Staying On Track 2022

  1. Every Commitment is in the Calendar.
    For personal and family commitments, I use Apple Calendar. I’ve set up calendars for each person in the house w/ a phone (currently 4 people) + an overall ‘Family’ calendar. All these calendars sync across (at least) nine devices in hopes an up-to-date calendar will always be right at hand. Every commitment – whether with to yourself, or others – goes in the calendar. A sampling:
  • take down Christmas lights (repeating annually)
  • install Christmas lights (repeating annually)
  • Monthly Goal Review (monthly)
  • take out the garbage (weekly)
  • Weekly (P)Review (weekly)
  • each run of my marathon training plan (daily)
  • the next logical, atomic, step for each active project (e.g. Grade Beer 4 of my current BJCP Tasting Exam step, start pizza dough, make yeast starter for saison, the ‘Now’ across the Trello boards)
  • and the usual smattering of kids’ instrument lessons, sporting activities, and social commitments.
  1. “I would be thrilled if…” in Apple Reminders
    In addition to shared shopping lists (Groceries, Costco, etc) in Apple Reminders, I’ve recently moved all of my Goals and Aspirations into a series of nested lists in Apple Reminders. The different timeframes help me maintain focus because I know the other stuff is coming up next month, next year, etc.

Yes, I frequently move stuff between the lists. Often kicking a given item from month to month to month. No worries, it’s the ‘I would be thrilled if…’ list not the ‘I must list’.

Here’s how it’s currently structured:

  • Backlog (default)
  • “I would be thrilled if…”
    • (the current month) in April 2022
    • (the upcoming month) in May 2022
    • in 2022
    • in 2023
    • Before I’m 50
    • Someday Maybe
  • My Life was Unsuccessful Because I Didn’t…
  • Waiting for: (Stuff on hold until a pre-requisite is fulfilled)
  1. Tactical Backlogs in Trello
    For big, complex, ongoing projects (e.g. family vacations, new applications I’m building) I create a project-specific Kanban board in Trello to breakdown the aspirational outcome (#2) into bite-size tasks for the calendar (#1). Each Kanban board has the following four columns:
  • Backlog (all the things)
  • Next (3-5 of the most significant, riskiest assumption things)
  • Now (the most significant, riskiest assumption thing – this is likely in my calendar)
  • Completed
  1. Weekly (P)Review
    Every Sunday afternoon, I grab a pen, a notebook, and two devices. I scan the past week’s calendar looking for key accomplishments and highlights for the family Jar of Awesome, and I preview the next week. Looking for key commitments in need of additional preparation, resolve potential conflicts (e.g. my running schedule w/ early work meetings), then once the core calendar is in place, I scan through all the Reminder lists, and Trello boards looking for things to fill out upcoming week’s capacity. This takes 45-90min.
  1. Monthly Goal Review
    Additionally, the first of each month, I take 30-60 minutes and review all the aspirations in the Reminders lists. For each one of them I ask the following:
  • Am I making progress on them?
  • Do they still resonate strongly?
  • Are they currently in the right time horizon?
  • Are there things that should be removed or added?

Don’t Reschedule; Commit or Cancel

The world doesn’t actually care if you do the things on your calendar.

It’ll keep spinning either way.

In fact, in many ways it would prefer that you just didn’t.

For, every time you do – the world changes a little bit. ‘Doing’ starts an chain reaction of cause and effect unsettling the natural course of things – entropy.

There are consequences to inaction. If you don’t pay your rent or mortgage for long enough – eventually you’ll lose the roof over your head. Stop improving the relationship with your spouse and eventually you won’t have one. Stop filling up the gas tank in your car – and eventually you’re stuck.

These are hyperbolic examples, yet their lesson can be applied to both smaller more banal tasks as well as your most meaningful projects.

If you don’t work on them – there’s very little immediate downside. Long-term? That’s a completely different question. But, short term – likely nothing.

Right now, admit to yourself that there will be commitments you made, commitments that are clearly identified, well estimated, perfectly aligned with your energy that you simply don’t do.

Instead, you end up running errands, talking with co-workers, taking an extra-long shower, cleaning your office, resolving some completely unexpected emergency, or attempting to capturing some unexpected opportunity. Or you’re simply binge-watching ‘Nailed It’ on Netflix.

So, what do we do now that we we’ve admitted we’re not doing the thing we committed to?

First stop and take a breath.

Next consider why you didn’t.

What about the activity wasn’t compelling to you enough to simply start at the designated time? Most likely, it was an activity you weren’t fully committed to, that you didn’t fully see the outcome of the activity fulfilling one of your most meaningful goals.

In short, it’s a commitment you made for someone else – not for yourself. And because it wasn’t for you – anything, absolutely anything was more fulfilling and more significant than this thing you scheduled.

So, why did it end up on your calendar in the first place? At what point in the history of the commitment could you have made a different answer – said ‘No’ instead of ‘Yes’, delegated it, resolved it in the moment – to prevent it from ever being scheduled in the first place?

Think of that moment, visualize it like it’s happening again. Feel yourself agreeing to the commitment. As you do, ask, “What negative outcome am I trying to avoid by saying ‘Yes’?” followed by “What part of my identity is afraid of this activity?” (For it’s your identity that kept you from starting in this moment).

Once you have these answers, you’ll know which of the following actions to take:

  1. Delete the activity off your calendar and completely forget about it. That’s right, you’re obviously not excited about this activity enough to start – so, say ‘No’ to it now and forever. Just delete it, write in what you did instead – and continue on with your day. If it likely will return, take a moment and determine who you’ll delegate it to. This is ‘When as a trigger’ that Patrick and I talk about in ‘The Power of When’ – When this task returns – I’ll delegate it to John.
  2. Reschedule it. If upon revisiting the significance behind the task and your reasons for not starting it this time you realize that this is still of value, your punishment is to reschedule it. This punishment is felt three ways; going through the next two weeks and finding a spot for this activity you didn’t do the first time, re-evaluating and rescheduling all the other commitments in its way, and running the risk of blowing it off a second time.
  3. Do it with whatever amount of time remains.Yea, rescheduling it is a horrible option – you’re moving a bunch of other commitments around to squeeze in one you obviously don’t want to do in the first place. So, rather than have Future You pissed at you (again!) take this time, whatever remains, and crank it out. Complete as much of it as you can, knowing that this is all the time you have, whatever value you can create in the next 14 minutes – that’s what this commitment gets. This stress, urgency, panic, is the price you paid for committing to something you shouldn’t have. Wherever you land when time is up that’s where you land. If by some miracle you complete it – you are not the hero. You are the villain – you took a commitment you shouldn’t have, you added greater stress to your life, and you crowded out something else that far more meaningful and significant, while delivering a low quality outcome.

Pick one.

Rescheduling the commitment is the worst of three options.

The easiest option is to simply admit the commitment wasn’t actually significant in the first place and delete it from your calendar.

“Rescheduling kicks off a chain reaction of comparing all the upcoming commitments by their significance, energy, and time to find the next best date & time for a commitment that obviously wasn’t the most significant thing when it came around the first time.”

Which means the rescheduled thing is never the most important thing. Why would it be? To add to the problem, the commitment has already been canceled, forgotten, or ignored once, so the chances of it being canceled, forgotten, or ignored a second time are more than double. Then there’s the issue of ensuring everyone has the new meeting details.

Don’t reschedule without adjusting the nature of the appointment to be aligned with the level significance for everyone involved.

This can be done two ways:

  • increasing the significance (stronger positive outcomes, greater risk minimization) of the effort
  • decreasing the resolution of the meeting. For example, if the initial meeting was a 60 minute face-to-face, propose a 20-minute phone call. If it was a phone call, propose addressing the entire issue via email, or suggest request an introduction to someone in a better position to fulfill this commitment.

Both of these methods of changing the effort’s nature transform it into a new substantially different thing. So it’s not a reschedule – it’s a more accurately-sized commitment that can be better judged against the rest of your scheduled commitments in terms of significance, energy, and time.

Of course, this assumes the change in nature still passes the significance threshold for you and your collaborators. It could be that you’re secretly relieved the effort isn’t important. In which case – delete it happily and ignore the reschedule request and determine how you’re going to maximize this newly found time.

All of this leads us back to where we started: Don’t Reschedule; Cancel or Commit

INSIDE VOICE #10: “you don’t know if you’re doing it right. no one knows if they’re doing it right.”

I’ve been a fan of Mike Doughty since his Soul Coughing days and his new Ghost of Vroom project brings back the his earlier found art/jazz collage vibe to effectively comment on the craziness of navigating a pandemic from an small room in NYC.

In Counterpart J.K Simmons struggles to navigate a post-pandemic world exuding German-ness; doppelgängers, bureaucracy, science, and the parallel but different lives between East & West Berlin. Counterpart is at its best when you’ve lost track of which world you’re in.

If Counterpart makes you long for something more immersive, perhaps try It’s Winter a video game fully embracing Kafka-esque bureaucracy, isolation, and the persistence of banality in a small Soviet apartment building.

For about a week in our suburban home, all six of us were playing Little alchemy 2. It’s a refreshingly simple and engaging game. It works great in any browser, on any device, and there’s no need to set up an account or download an app. It’s very easy to spend hours calmly and fruitlessly attempting combinations. Among my competitors, it sparked conversations on naming animals in German, philosophy, and numerous questions about how to make cheese.

There have been many series highlighting the ridiculously niche competitions humans have created. We are the Champions. bests them all. Primarily due to highlighting the diversity of competitors across these amusing endeavors and while it’s shot with the seriousness of Chef’s Table, the narration is full of smirks. My fingers are crossed for a kubb episode in season 2.

Miquel Marquez

INSIDE VOICE #9: This Land is My Land

For years now, comparisons of the US to individual European states has troubled me. Primarily because in terms of GDP, population, and geographic size, the individual US states make for a more apples-to-apples comparison than the entirety of the union.

So, why in the midst of this global pandemic are we still comparing US as a whole against smaller countries?

The ‘a-ha’ I had this week that helps me better understand the lopsided comparison:

“the borders between US states wouldn’t close.”

Probably not anyway.


Finland vs Wyoming


“Even though some of the lands west of the line were to remain part of Germany, Belgium claimed sovereignty over the trackbed and the stations.”


Turns out, like Australia, New Zealand is its own continent.

The continent of Zealandia.

I suppose, just cuz we can’t see land, doesn’t mean it’s not there, waiting for us to put it to use.


Compared to Atlantropa‘s vision of literally bringing Europe and Africa closer together by draining the Mediterranean Sea thus creating new habitable land, this idea to run a 55-mile dam across the Bering Strait project seems almost minor in environmental impact and quaint in the implied US-Russia relations.


“Austenasia’s emperor, Jonathan Austen, 25, has had to follow the shelter-in-place guidelines imposed by Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the other side of his front door.”


“To call the ending an anticlimax would be an insult not only to climaxes but to prefixes. It’s so witless, in fact, that when we do discover the secret, we want to rewind the film so we don’t know the secret anymore.”


Oh, apropos of nothing, the family designed and presented me with a flag for Father’s Day.

INSIDE VOICE #8: Just Look Around

The researchers stated that the impact generated an environmental calamity that extinguished life, but it also induced a vast subsurface hydrothermal system that became an oasis for the recovery of life.

So, not only do we know exactly where the asteroid hit, we can also see the consequences of it in the K-Pg boundary in the sedimentary all over the globe.

It’s one thing to have a theory, an explanation, a story (e.g. “a giant asteroid killed the dinosaurs“).

It’s quite another to definitively say;

“Oh, right there – that crater on the tip of the Yucatán that’s where it hit.”


“Oh, that line of silvery-chalk on that cliff – then. Lots of dinosaurs below, none above – anywhere in the world.”

It’s powerfully humbling for two reasons.

  1. Mortal human scientists confidently unwound time 66 million years just from looking closely at rocks around us
  2. And, if you’re reading this, you’re related to something that survived the impact.

And every world-shaking event in-between.

As are each of your neighbors.

As is whomever you’re currently in a Twitter-war with.


An Autonomous Zone has been declared within the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone.

“the most elaborate artist’s signature ever conceived.”


RIP Christo.


Last weekend, one of the teenagers and I set up a RetroPie. $130 (including a pair of SNES-compatible controllers) and a day of fiddling around gets you console emulators from the 1980s and 1990s.

Of the dozens of games we’ve been introducing the kids to, Pac-Man, Mario Bros, Tetris, Pole Position have seen frequent play. Despite their giant pixels and their tinny MIDI soundtracks.

There’s also been tears and deep frustration with how fragile and unreliable bringing the past into the future can be.

For example;

  • Space Invaders doesn’t recognize any of the buttons on the controller as red fire button on the classic Atari joysticks. Thus, making it almost as unfun as the hacked version of Donkey Kong I found where no barrels are thrown at Mario.
  • Star Wars Pod Racer doesn’t recognize the controller’s D-pad, which means you’re reliant on walls & cliffs to keep you on course. There’s not enough of them to do so.
  • The teenager doesn’t recognize any of the players in any of the versions of Madden. It’s not been played since this realization. Really makes me consider the different layers fandom can live at; sport-level, team-level, coach-level, player-level.
  • There’s already been a family-wide Mortal Kombat II tournament. The parents, despite familiarity, did not fare well. The 6yr old, surprisingly well.
  • The coarse pixels in Pole Position are so large on today’s HDTVs you can barely recognize the shapes as race cars.


Sometimes we get lucky and the past continues to be compelling and engaging well into the future.

Other times, the world changes enough over time, the past no longer fits.

In my current household, Ole & Lena jokes, nor any joke with a punchline deriding the Polish has ever been spoken. Despite them being a regular feature of my childhood home, along with even less acceptable variations (and far more subtle insensitivities).

Yes, just as we’ve stopped repeating these jokes (cultural artifacts), and other subtly disrespectful phrases (e.g. anything with the descriptors ‘Dutch’ or ‘left-handed’), statues (also cultural artifacts) of figures promoting division and exploitation need to be taken down.

Their coarseness no longer represents our cultural aspirations.


On the Media is doing a fantastic job covering the cultural implications of police these last couple weeks.

I highly recommend these two segments:

Both resonated highly with me, as did this proposal to unbundle the police.

I’m much more comfortable having the roles currently fulfilled by the police fall under Health and Human Services than Public Safety.

It feels like this change makes for a more prevention-oriented approach (less reactive, less violent) leading with trust and collaboration rather than with mistrust and conflict.

If the only way to make black lives matter is abolishing the policing as we know it, it’s long over due.


“There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” – Carl Sagan

INSIDE VOICE #7: 400 years of beer innovating around tax law

In Europe, the growing conditions for beer ingredients – barley, oats, wheat, hops – are comparatively pretty narrow relative to grapes and other cereal grains. While beer traditions, and very intriguing ones, do exist outside of England, Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. I’m focusing on these 4 countries for right now as they’ve been the most influential on our current beer styles.

Beer & bread share 75% of the ingredients. Bavarian monks were still allowed beer during their fasts and American colonial records frequently referred to beer as ‘liquid bread’.

Different cultures at different times have placed beer at a different point in the ‘vice’ – ‘food’ spectrum. From not taxing it because it was liquid bread to a complete prohibition.

Most cultures generally land someplace in the middle, “beer is so popular that taxing it will help us pay for this war” (in the case of the US, that was the Civil War).

But to tax it, you must first define what ‘beer’ is.

This is where things get interesting.

Today, we use ‘beer’ to generally refer to any malted grain-derived beverage containing alcohol.

Within ‘beer’ there are two major branches distinguished by where in the fermenting vessel the yeast activity is located.

In ales, it’s at the top.

In lagers, it’s at the bottom.

But this wasn’t always the key distinction. At one point in history, ‘beer’ and ‘ale’ were two very different beverages. While that point could very well be just a decade ago in Texas,

We’ll go a little further back.

About 400 years back, in Europe.

At this time, a beverage balancing the malt sweetness with hops was called ‘beer’.

And a more traditional beverage balancing it with gruit was called ‘ale’.

What is gruit?

Gruit is a combination of bitter herbs and spices usually containing; bog myrtle, yarrow, and rosemary.

Some records also mention heather, ginger, juniper, caraway, and cinnamon.

Gruit as a mixture was monopoly by the Catholic Church. This meant, the Catholic Church controlled the collection, composition, and sale of gruit to local brewers. Occasionally, they would license those rights to local municipalities. This is the earliest known tax on beer.

The Catholic Church was so serious about maintaining this monopoly that in 1381 Frederick the Archbishop of Cologne decreed that all brewers must buy gruit from the Episcopal Gruit house and the importing of hopped beer was forbidden.

This monopoly on gruit drove brewers to find other bittering agents.

And they found that in hop flowers.

Hops, previously considered a noxious weed, turned out to be more potent at bittering beer, as well as improving shelf-life, more reliably consistent, and bypassed the Catholic Church’s taxes.

By 1450 hop farming was well underway in the Netherlands and across Northern Europe. The adoption of hops by brewers coincided with growing frustrations with the Catholic Church all culminating with Martin Luther and the Reformation.

Between 1487 and 1520 both Bavaria and the Netherlands had established laws declaring that only hops could be used in beer. No other herbs.

In 1516 there’s an English record declaring:

“Hop and Reformation, bays, and beer, came to England in all the same year”

As early as 1350 the Dutch were brewing a 75% malted oats and 25% malted wheat beer.

50 years later, in 1400, malted barley was introduced and gradually gained on the oats, and by 1550 malted barley made up 25% of the recipe.

This 50% oats, 25% wheat, 25% barley combination describes the ‘koyt’ one of the few traditional Dutch beer styles. I bring this up for 4 reasons:

  1. Koyt is considered one of the styles straddling this ‘gruit’ / ‘hop’ beer transition.
  2. A barley, wheat, oats combination is the basic grain bill for beers in the popular hazy NE IPA style.
  3. Nobody enjoyed it at the time. During the Dutch Golden Age, beer from elsewhere in Europe was so preferred, a 75% tariff was placed on beer imported into Holland.
  4. Colonial America…

In the early 1600s, the Dutch colonized modern day New York, from Manhattan up to Albany.

They brought their oat & wheat brewing traditions with.

There is a record of my 10th great-grandfather paying for his rented farmland with bushels of wheat, oats, and rye.

No doubt the rest of it went to supplying local bakers and brewers (who paid a licensing fee of 6 beavers per year).

Grain was so plentiful and beer so popular that a law at the time stating the minimum amount of malt used for beer calculates to a 7% ABV.

Further down the coast, the English in Virginia were far less successful in translating their barley-based brewing traditions to the New World. Eventually, they gave up, switched to tobacco.

They would then trade that tobacco for malt and beer from the Dutch.

This helped supply the Dutch West India Company’s global trade network with tobacco while bypassing the English crown’s taxes on colonial tobacco.

Eventually the crown got wise to the fact that colonists were smuggling tobacco, as well as molasses and sugar for rum. So in 1764 the Sugar Act outlawed all rum and liquor. Driving the colonists to switch to beer and cider. It wasn’t just in the colonies that England looked to pay off the Napoleonic wars, it was also at home.

The story of beer tax law in England is best told through the rise and fall of the Porter style.

All of this is in thanks to Ron Pattinson’s amazingly comprehensive research into English commercial brewers.

In 1790 Parliament increased the tax on malt. At this point, a Porter was 100% brown malt (with likely a smokey, toffee, tobacco, nutty profile) and 7% ABV.

Over the next 10 years, an incremental reduction of malt reduced the ABV by 2% and had some other consequences.

The newly introduced ‘pale malt’ had greater sugar extraction despite being more expensive, brewers started switching over. It appears the drop in ABV was less concerning to the drinking public than the paler color, so brewers started adjusting the color with whatever they could get their hands on – liquorice juice?

Which caused Parliament to restrict the ingredients to barley, hops, yeast, water.

Only 300 years after the Dutch and Germans, but whatevs.

This drove to the invention of the drum roaster and black malt, which could, with just a percentage or two provide the opaque black color Porter drinkers were expecting.

Quickly followed was brewers adoption of the alcohol hydrometer to measure sugar extraction, which quantified just how poorly brown malt performed against pale malt.

And over the next 60 years, ingredient restrictions were lifted, first allowing sugar and then allowing rice, corn, and unmalted grain.

By 1900, a recipe for Porter looks very different than one century earlier. It now includes dark invert sugar and corn. No longer a toffee and tobacco, but coffee and caramel one.

Increased taxes and supply shortages through the wars cut Porters ABV in half again and by 1950 it was completely out of fashion. Many breweries dropped their Porter all together, while keeping the higher ABV Stout.

Bavarian law; barley, hops, water, (yeast) for bottom fermenting beers.

Top-fermenting beers can use wheat and rye, but they can’t call themselves ‘beer’, and these ingredients are taxed at a higher rate (strangely like Texas a decade ago).

Reinheitsgebot adoption by all brewers across Germany was a precondition of Bavaria joining the Weimar Republic in 1918 and again in 1949.

This obviously gave preference to Bavarian bottom-fermenting barley-only beers you might be familiar with like; Oktoberfest, Doppelbock, and Pilsners.

While discouraging equally traditional northern German styles like Berliner Weisse, Gose, and Gratzer. These heavily wheat-based styles are only recently being re-discovered by craft brewers globally.

Our last stop of the night is Belgium.

Belgium taxed brewers on how much grain could fit in their brewing system, so economical brewers would buy the smallest system they could and then reach the intended alcohol content by adding caramelized sugar later in the process.

This incentive to hit higher ABVs than the brewing system could comfortably support was amplified in 1919 with the Vandervelde Act which outlawed distilled spirits in Belgian cafes.

Brewers filled the void by introducing styles like the Golden Strong, Dark Strong, and Tripel with ABVs approaching and sometimes passing 10% with a complexity and drinkability that could compete with cocktails and beer imported from elsewhere in Europe.

Correction: According to historian Roelf Mulder, Belgian brewers introduced higher ABV beers simply to deal with the 1980s.

So, yea, I do think Minnesota’s lame packaging restrictions will change.

INSIDE VOICE #6: Uncomfortably Close

After MPR read the headline, the 9 year old immediately asks:

“Hey Google, what’s third degree murder?”




On Sept 11, 2001, a dozen years into the militarization of local police departments, I was working for a startup an old skyscraper on the north end of the Chicago Loop. The CEO survived the Bosnian civil war prior to immigrating.

We sat stunned watching the live coverage. I can still remember him dismissively observing, as he walked out of the room:

“It’s not a war, get back to work.”

Instead, we all went home.

One by one, over the next two weeks, we took better jobs.

If I was a DINK today, leaving Chicago in the driver’s seat of a U-Haul seeking balance – fully aware I could live anywhere – I might keep driving and try my luck in Absaroka.


In the Days After I’m predicting more regionalism and while I’ve personally noticed an increased sensitivity to out of state license plates, I did not expect this:


Turns out I’m the reason there’s only sliced and shredded cheese in the house:

“I feel like, if I buy you blocks of cheese you’re just going to eat them like a woodchipper.”



An Ongoing List of the Unexpected Global Pandemic Impacts to a Homebrewer’s Supply Chain

  • Kegerator’s CO2 tanks unable to get refilled.
  • Preferred yeast strains out of stock.
  • Fewer neighbors are swinging by to have growlers refilled.
  • Mistaken for an end-of-days survivalist while pushing four 5-gallon jugs of water through the grocery store aisles.


Jen says to the oldest child:

“If you turn that broken plastic toolshed into a chicken coop, we can have chickens.”

…a couple hours later he comes to me all excited…

“The internet says you should start with 2-3 more chickens then you want to end up with.”

The neighbor around the block has four chickens.

I asked them how many conversations about death they’ve had with her kids.

Smiling cautiously,they reply:

“All four made it through the winter.”

INSIDE VOICE #5: …initiating connection…initiating connection…

For their mental health, we’ve been strongly and persistently encouraging the teenagers to make in-person plans with their friends. Provided they stay outside and don’t climb on each other – we’re cool.

Ensuring in-person social interaction is far tougher for the elementary school kids, as coordination still happens through parents.

Turns out, asking about comfort levels of previously banal activities with a parent of your kid’s friend inside a global pandemic is more awkward than asking, “Do you have guns in the house?”

I mean, at least new mothers practice asking each other that question in neighborhood ECFE classes.

I’m going to start couching the question in Pixar movies:

“Oh, hi, um, yes, just wondering, how you feel about our kids playing together outside. Are you more:

or are you more:

It’s cool either way,…oh you haven’t seen Monsters Inc? Fun movie. Makes for some timely conversations. Twist at the end. Yea, for sure it’s on Disney+.


The kids, before their distance learning started, would mock me working. They’d put their arm in the air like a T-Rex at an invisible standing desk, taunting, “I’m Dad. Type. Type. Type.”


I’ve been (near exclusively) listening to Mike Doughty, specifically his The Question Jar Show album, these past couple months. I find a great calm in his voice and his presence. The Halloween treat in the last verse of Grey Ghost is complete magic to me. Every. Single. Listen.

Turns out, I’ll listen to him do just about anything, including comfortably type on an IBM Selectric.


By the way, I’d like to take this moment to formally nominate Andrew “Scrap” Livingston’s upright bass for: Instrument Most Embodying the All the Feels of 2020

Autumn morning.

Inside the Loop.

Suburbs of grey flannel suits

Streaming among the tallest towers,

As they look away.

A voice in my head whispers:

“See, you can hide anywhere, if you want to.”


I thought it was odd the brewery credited their illustrator and design firm on the label.

Doubly odd, I recognized the design firm. My friend Jon started out there nearly 20 years ago. Jon tells me, the brewery owner and the designer firm owner have known each other since childhood.

That’s so great.

Where can labels are increasingly works of art, it’s fantastic to see credit given, whatever the situation.

Cheers to more artists getting credit on beer labels.

And to life-long friendship.

INSIDE VOICE #4: “No, just very, very improbable.”

According to Kevin Stroud over at The History of English Podcast, the reason we speak English is in part due to the Black Death. The plague was an indiscriminate killer, peasants, scholars, royalty alike.

At this point in our story in the mid-1300s (which is one of my most beloved Stroud-isms), French and Latin were the the languages taught and spoken in England’s upper class. English was for peasants. Yet, after the plague, not enough French and Latin scholars remained. So, English was taught and took hold.


If Google really wants their Assistant to be part of our family, it’s going to need to inherently recognize and respond to the casual nicknames we give it (e.g. “Hey Googs”) and know when the question that follows is mocking, rhetorical and a joke for the people within earshot.


“Were I actually living inside the simulation hypothesis…I’d spend the rest of my life figuring out what I can’t do.” – Chuck Klosterman, What if We’re Wrong?: Thinking about the Present as if it were the Past.

“What if We’re Wrong” asserts that Time is continuously and aggressively deeming our work, our art, our efforts, insignificant and eroding them into dust.

Like so much sound and fury.

Chuck wants you to take this as license to push hard against the outer bounds of your work just as aggressively. To delight in the challenge and throw caution to the wind. Cuz it’s the only chance we’ve got at being remembered the day after tomorrow.


Futures Wheel is my current favorite lightweight scenario planning tool. Some may comment that it’s nearly indistiguishable from mindmapping. There is a difference. Mindmaps are stupid.


I like to start with a highly-controversial statement that feels ridiculous and just out of reach something like:

“10 Years After COVID-19 Pandemic, Americans are Healthier.”

Then answer the question, “What does this mean for the world around us?” and continue to innocently ask that recursively working your way around a circle.

Maybe start a branch with:

  • People with even a slight sniffle stay home, which means…
  • Substantially higher & more unpredictable utilization of sick days (even with working from home), which means…
  • the govt covers sick days on behalf of employers, which means…
  • health care is disconnected from employers, which means…
  • increased taxes (Huh).

We could do another branch with:

  • People eating healthier, which means…
  • Less carb consumption, which means…
  • Alcohol popularity decreasing, which means…
  • Local craft breweries go bankrupt (Argh! Wait! Wut!).

Maybe a third with:

  • People no longer commute, which means…
  • Fewer cars on the road, which means…
  • Less air and water pollution, which means…
  • Wildlife comes in closer, which means…
  • More human-animal incidents (argh, that’s how this all started)

Jeebus, FUTURES WHEEL sure can make you anxious about what comes next faster than an episode of Fortitude.


…In dialectal Norwegian, “kveik” is two different nouns. One is female and means yeast, while the other is male and means to breathe new life into something…the act of kindling a fire. – Lars Marius Garshol, Historical Brewing Techniques


Back in March, we took friend and multi-book author @HopeJahren’s advice and started some seeds. Today, it’s a massive 12×4 raised garden that the 9 year old checks every morning between breakfast and starting his school day.

We’ve lost lots from the seedlings to the garden bed. Plant Dr. Jahren says that’s OK. Trying to have some grace, considering this is my first garden in 33 years and I’ve read nothing on how to make it successful (library’s closed).

The boy is confident we’ll have lots of pumpkins, corn, tomatoes and peppers. Though, this morning he handed me the radish seeds says he’s not so confident in the canteloupe.

The Dutch settled in modern day New York and brought their knowledge of brewing with oats, rye, wheat with them. The English (and Scots), with their barley-exclusive brewing practice, settled further south in Virginia and struggled to grow barley. So, they switched to tobacco and traded it for malted barley and finished beer from the aforementioned Dutch.

In addition to the primary benefit of trade itself, this had the secondary effect of supplying the Dutch West India Company’s global trade network with tobacco while simultaneously starving the English crown of the tax revenue.


“We are now cruising at a level of two to the power of twenty-five thousand to one against and falling, and we will be restoring normality as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway.”