Inbox 7

I just returned from 4 days in Minnesota’s northwoods. Completely disconnected. The only things I took with me; water bottle, a couple days change of clothes, my notecards, and my wallet.

I hiked waterfalls, scrambled across rocky beaches, and fell asleep to flickering fires.

I pondered living in a lighthouse. Hiking a hundred vertical feet each day for fresh water – with no reliable access to the outside world. Yet, tasked with the responsibility of maintaining safe travels for dozens of ships a day. And the commerce implied therein.

Upon my return to civilization – I burned though the hundreds of messages laying stagnant in my inbox.

Only 7 remain.

Each with a clear action item associated with it.

Hemel & Aarde von Brouwerji De Molen


Tonight, I stopped by The Four Firkins to meet Nick Anderson from Rush River. I quite enjoyed hearing the story of Rush River – and the challenges they’re having keeping up with the demand for their beer (there’s a reason their Unforgiven and ÜberAlt are #1 & #2 on my all-time beers list). On the way out, I picked up sixer of ÜberAlt and asked Alvey to recommend something peaty like Sam Adams’ Wee Heavy.

Without hesitation, he hands me a bottle of Hemel & Aarde von Brouwerji De Molen.

‘We just got this in’, he adds.

Exactly what I was looking for: peaty, roasty, dark as midnight, with a nose like campfire.

“Made with the most heavily peated malt in the world from the Bruichladdich distillery. Almost pitch black and opaque, small head. Furiously peated aroma, hiding the malt, licorice and dark chocolate somewhat. Very full bodied, thick mouthfeel, like fluid bread. Dark chocolate, loads of peat, lapsang souchong tea, chocolate cake, culminating in an almost endless aftertaste that also has licorice.”

Whereas the Wee Heavy is like zipping into a sleeping bag next to a campfire on a chilly night, the Hemel and Aarde is telling ghost stories, roasting marshmallows, and celebrating the sunset.

Besides, it’s hard not to love a beer with a label proudly exclaiming: ‘enjoy within 25 years’.

3 Surprises from my recent Pandora listening

I’ve been listening to more music via Pandora lately. To be accurate – I’ve been listening to a Less than Jake & Might Mighty Bosstones seeded, late-90s ska station.

  1. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones get better with age.
  2. I really dig Social Distortion much more than I remember
  3. Ska-punk covers of ska-punk tunes are delightfully meta (e.g. Linoleum from Streetlight Manifesto)

Give it a listen