QSPress – Quicksilver and WordPress Make Me Twitter

I’m with Aaron, I don’t quite get Twitter. If you want to know what’s on my mind…read this blog. What I do get about is really, really fast publishing. The faster, the better.

So, I cooked up a little script (11 lines) to post directly to this blog from Quicksilver. If you’ve got a WordPress blog, or blog that understands the MetaWeblogAPI (though, I’ve only tested it on WP).

So, if you want to twitter on your own blog…download QSPress.

The posts look something like this and hey, no character limits. 😉

More on the QSPress page

Eric, I say this script is proof XML-RPC isn’t dead.

Last time I checked, Flickr’s ‘blog this’ was XML-RPC. Copy-and-Paste and XML-RPC are two different things. C-and-P exists because video needs at least one ’embed’ tag and well, that’s hard. Add to that, XML-RPC needs an end-point url and a password, that’s a level of complexity above – ‘here take this code’. They serve two different functions – though the final product looks similar.

3 replies on “QSPress – Quicksilver and WordPress Make Me Twitter”

  1. I played with the WordPress Dash widget a while back – it was pretty unstable then and never worked right for me.

    Quicksilver definitely takes a while to ‘get’ – and to make it work really well, I found that I need to keep the computer in my head. Opposite how I normally think (get the computer out of my brain).

    It probably took me 2 months to change my workflow – and I’m still primarily using it as a launcher.

  2. Pingback: CrisDias weblog

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