Reflections on a Year of Podcasting

On October 12th, 2004, I sat down with a Jabra Bluetooth headset, some since forgotten audio recording application, and published the first First Crack Podcast.

How I’m doing the show now is far, far different than I did then – if only that I’m not hand-writing RSS. Despite improvements on my end, iTunes adding a Podcast directory, and going from 0 to nearly 50 unique podcasts, I still believe in podcasting’s underlying promise (here stated by Rex Hammock):

“Podcasting will lead to things we haven’t even thought about today.”

Traditional broadcasters haven’t figured out the magic formula, nor have the podcast pure-plays. This is a really good thing.

What we do know:

  • A human, personal message is more important than the audio quality.
  • Episode length and publication frequency don’t matter, there just needs to be another one.
  • Each additional subscriber adds bandwidth costs
  • Monetizing might happen through underwriting or commercials. Listener-supported models or podcast-as-marketing-for-something-else are more sustainable.
  • Podcasting will continue to radically transform brodcast radio, television, the recording industry, church, politics, and voicemail.
  • Right now, I have 273 un-listened podcasts (more than 6 days worth) in my iTunes. I need more – have you started yours?