WP-GotLucky: WordPress Real-Time Search Query Reporting Plugin

How many of your weblog posts are the first result in Google?

WP-GotLucky is a WordPress Plugin that sends you an email whenever a post at your site is Google’s ‘I Feel Lucky’ search result.

Download WP-GotLucky v1.3

Like the WP-GotLucky? Say thanks and support its continued development via paypal

Version History

v1.3 (Released 12 May 2007)
– Released with David Seah‘s code refining the Google query and Dashboard widget.

v1.2 (Released 02 Aug 2005)
– Added database and RSS2 support

v1.0 (Released 27 July 2005)
– Hello World

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  1. Trying it out now. It is probably obvious to others, but I had to check the code of the plug in to find out it would send the e-mail to the WP Admin registered e-mail address – I initially thought I was going mad trying to find a config section!

  2. Back again…
    I just updated from 1.1 to 1.3 today, and all seemed well at first.
    However, if you visited my site via google, you got

    WordPress database error: [Table 'chrismer_wpi29.wp_gotlucky' doesn't exist]
    INSERT INTO wp_gotlucky (query, date, isLucky, url) VALUES ('chris merriman','2007-08-27 16:33:26','1', 'http://www.chrismerriman.com/')

    hope that appears OK.
    I tried re-uploading the files, Ctrl+F5ing, but still the same. I’ve disabled it for now.
    Any ideas what could have caused that?

  3. I finally got around to adding the reqd. tables via MyPHP , and although it appears to have worked (both dashboard and RSS feed working fine), I am not receiving e-mails as I did with v1.1
    Could I make a small request the next time you are looking at the code? Would it be possible to configure which address the plugin used? Although my WP’s admin e-mail is working ok for other tasks, the ability to use a different address, on a different domain, would assist greatly.
    Also, it isn’t mentioned above, but there appears to be another difference going from v1.1 to v1.3 – ALL google search results trigger a notification, rather than just when your site is #1. Not a complaint, just an observation for others…

  4. oooops.
    I actually checked the code properly this time.
    Of course the plugin wasn’t e-mailing me results, I hadn’t uncommented the specific line 🙂
    For anyone else running up against this problem, remove the // from the line that contains “mail(get_settings(‘”

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