Jen and I went to a mall on Saturday. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a mall on a Saturday afternoon. I left buying nothing and feeling extremely uninspired to shop. I now know why Target sold Marshall Field’s last year to May Department Stores and why May Department Stores is praying …
Monthly Archives: February 2005
Fact Checking My Own Ass
Google alerted me to MarketWatch’s Bloggers won’t keep a secret article where my mis-quote of Dan Gillmor got a mention. Some bloggers are almost proud of making a mistake. It gives them a chance to make a correction and appear oh, so humble and honest. Garrick Van Buren, who blogged about a showing of “Blogumentary” …
Email Messages you don’t want to get
I think we may have a squirrel in the walls upstairs can I name him squirrely? Jen
Introducing the gFeed
The other morning I was looking for an easy way to test all my feeds. After a few minutes of tracking down the latest magpierss and some lunchtime programming, I’m happy to present the gFeed. The gFeed pulls all my posts at, the First Crack Podcast,, the Work Better Weblog, and my Flickr …
Get Paid to Do What You Love
Jason Kottke is making the biggest decision of his life. He’s testing a hypothesis I’ve had since I started podcasting. I believe the business model of the future is the one public television and public radio have been using for years: If your customers like what you do, they’ll pay you to continue. Dean Allen …
“You should be fired if you do a marketing site without an RSS feed.”
(originally published at What the internet does really, really well is connect things through hyperlinks. The outcome of hyperlinks is connecting people. When people are connected, there’s a relationship. Websites are an excellent marketing tool. Like any tool, they need to be used correctly. To do so, they need to build a relationship between …
Continue reading ““You should be fired if you do a marketing site without an RSS feed.””
You Really Won’t Know Until You Build It
I caught Charlie Lazor, talking about building furniture and houses at the University of Minnesota this evening. I found this quote on prototyping invaluable: “We spent so much time arguing whether or not it work, and when we prototyped it, it worked remarkably well. We could have saved so much time, if we had just …
Fortune Cookie Actually Relevant
At today’s MNteractive PowerLunch I received the following fortune cookie message: “Explore the backroads of the north with a new friend.” It seemed fantastically relevant to last weekend’s journey. If you haven’t been to the Sawatadee in St. Paul, the service is fantastic. I haven’t been there for months and the waitress recognized me, remembered …
A Weekend in the Northwoods
Jen and I headed up to Bayfield this weekend for an enjoyable, off-season Northwoods weekend. The moment we merged onto Highway 2 in Wisconsin, our mobile phones declared ‘No Network’. It took a moment for ‘No Network’ to sink in: No using the phone’s bluetooth as a dial-up modem. No calling people you’re meeting to …
A Mac Mini in the Living Room
Since the release of the Mac Mini, I’ve been looking for reasons to pick one up. Currently, there’s a G4 tower in my basement and I’d like to return it to the 20th Century. Here’s what I’m thinking: Plug the Mac Mini into my TV, and use either the El Gato EyeTV Wonder or Plextor …