Are Some RSS Formats More Reliable/Faster than Others?

via Twitter, I was asked the above question. It’s a good question, cutting to the core of my ambivalence over the religious wars between RSS, Atom, etc. The flavor of XML a feed is published in shouldn’t matter. Neither to the publisher nor the receiver. Any parser able to handle multiple flavors should be able …

Snippet: Copy MySQL Databases Over SSH

I needed to copy a database and the idea of backing it up just to re-import1 seemed like double the work. Here’s a snippet to pipe a mysqldump into a remote database. Keep an eye on the user names and passwords – you’ll need 3 sets; one for the database your copying, one to get …

Ruby on Rails Snippet for Changing Relative Paths to Absolute

If you have a bunch of text containing relative path hyperlinks, and you’d like to change to them to absolute paths, you might find this snippet helpful. content = “some text with a <a href=’/path/to/relative_link/’>relative link</a>” link = “” content.gsub(/=(‘|”)//, ‘=1*/’).gsub(/*//, link.match(/(http|https)://[w.]+//)[0]) The asterisk ‘*’ is a hackey placeholder for the actual link swapped in …

Book Curation

“…we are going smaller, we are going less.” – Bodo von Hodenberg, bookseller – Bildschöne Bücher, Berlin Germany BTW – I found this link on my economics reading list in Cullect which proves (at least to me) that good curation is about both depth and discovery.