Where Work Happens

If I’m not in the terminal then I’m not doing real work…I work in a full-screen terminal and don’t like to leave it. The world outside my terminal is filled with distractions, bright colours, and menus. My textual environment is where my real work happens. – Jesse Storimer

Coffee Lock-in

“The problem is that you bought yourself a shiny espresso machine that only takes pods distributed by the manufacturer. So even if you buy the hippie’s beans, you can’t make yourself any coffee with them because the machine won’t take them unless they’ve been shipped to the manufacturer and packaged into little special pellets.” – …


“I recently deleted Facebook, Twitter, RSS, and Flipboard from my phone, and have been very happy with the result. Today, I am deactivating my Facebook and Twitter accounts. This is not a decision motivated by Lent, and I have no idea at this moment when or if I will reactivate them.” – J Ben Deaton


“One thing that I find missing is discovery of non-new content. The web is completely oriented around new-thing-on-top. Our brains are also wired to get a rush from novelty. But most “news” we read really doesn’t matter. ” – Evan Williams


“We’ve created 10 core principles completely open for your unique interpretation. We welcome you to join us as we carve a weekly timeout into our lives and to continue the momentum of the National Day of Unplugging throughout the year. On March 11, 2012”

Focus as a Small Opt-out

“We can begin by mimicking the [digital] Sabbath in small, by recognizing that by dedicating time to one activity or one person, without interruption from gadgets, work, or other people, will help us slow down and connect.” – Rebecca J. Rosen,