I’m running in the St. Anthony, MN VillageFest 5k on Aug 4. Same neighborhood, different route, more…

I’m running in the St. Anthony, MN VillageFest 5k on Aug 4. Same neighborhood, different route, more people, and much earlier in the morning. If you’re in town – join me. UPDATE 4 AUG 2007: Results of my run and impressions of VillageFest 2007 here.

PodcampMN at Flat Earth on Aug 25, 2007

Yes, it’s official. PodcampMN, August 25th, the Saturday before Labor Day, at the Flat Earth Brewery in St. Paul. The goal is to try to accomplish some real, dirty, uncomfortable work… as Eric Rice describes it. If you haven’t yet, add your name and other things you’d like to both share and learn about to …

5k in 28:20

Found a good 8 mn/mi rhythm right away. Too bad it only stuck with me for, well, 8 min. By k 3, I was there again and ended strong with a 7.5 mn/mi after another brief rest. Overall pace: 9 mn/mi.

Running Past

Mom sent over the times from my last season in High School XC – I mostly finished between 20:30 and 21 min. Thanks mom. Some good motivation after last night’s failed attempt due to going out too close to finishing dinner. While I hit a 7’42” mile. I stopped there.

Working With Nature to Stop Climate Change

“Researchers at the University of Wales are looking at how introducing different grasses into cattle diets can help reduce methane emissions. Cattle and dairy cows on factory farms are typically fed a high-protein diet of corn and soybeans, which…leads to a variety of digestive problems. Scientists believe that more-digestible feed will reduce these problems and …