Category: FeedSeeder

Garrick’s Feed Curator Project Exposed

Ed Kohler just broke the low security around my all-but-secret project: “To me, this looks like a community based RSS reader where you’ll be able to read RSS feeds that are recommended to you by your friends.” – Ed Kohler Ed, you’re close. More background on the project here. New screencasts forthcoming.

FeedHub: HAL, er MAPE, Filters Your Feeds

Graeme pointed me to FeedHub – another next generation feed filtering service. On first glance, it reads like FeedRinse – import a bunch of feeds, apply some filters, drop the resulting aggregated feed into your regular reader. The difference, FeedRinse’s filters are manual and FeedHub’s are automated. My first hiccup with the FeedHub service: Registration. […] – Just Aggregating Your Friends’ Feeds?

“…if you’re brilliant enough to create Google Maps, Gmail, et. al, move on to inventing a flying car or something.” – Rex Hammock A while back, when I was regularly publishing to multiple sites, I had a thing I called the gFeed that pulled all those feeds (probably a half dozen at my peak) into […] = Facebook + Bloglines

Ben just pointed me to another entry in the social feed space. “Wouldn’t it be nice to know which feeds your friends subscribe to? Shouldn’t you be able to find new feeds by topic? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could browse feeds related to your subscriptions? Shouldn’t you be able to share things […]

What’s Better?

In 10 minutes, everything will have an RSS reader built into it; email clients, browsers, audio/video/image players, phones, every single website. Each application parsing and presenting feeds in a way that’s contextually appropriate. I hope. If you want a ‘good enough’ general purpose feed reader, use Google Reader or Bloglines, or Newsgator, or or or […]

First Invite Out, 20 To Go

Over lunch today, I sent out the first invitation to the FeedSeeder project. This is the first real test of the system and I’m anxious. Despite the edges being very rough, the functionality is in there. Finally. Enough to: 1) talk about 2) start polishing. Since I’ve been working on this project about 10 of […]