Re-Tweeting FeedSeeder

9 thoughts on “Re-Tweeting FeedSeeder

  1. Aaron

    So I follow you on Twitter and I have this site in my RSS reader.

    I am trying to keep my good spirits about this by forcing myself to think the following is humorous: I started getting links to your new blog posts in Twitter when I was already getting them in my RSS reader and now I just got six of your Twitter posts in a blog post in my RSS reader that I was pointed to in your latest Twitter post.

    So should I remove you from Twitter or should I remove this site from my RSS reader? 😉

  2. Garrick Van Buren Post author

    Aaron brings up a good point. Twitter and this blog are different. I’m more likely to stop Twittering than stop posting here. I can’t search or append my posts at Twitter, and in all honesty, I’d prefer if Twitter blocked search engines.

  3. Ed Kohler

    I dropped you on Twitter last week for the reason Aaron brought up. You were one of around 6 Twitterers who met that fate due to duplicate content.

    Different context = different content.

  4. Chuck Olsen

    Just to complicate things, I hardly ever keep up on RSS feeds so I tend to see Garrick’s new posts linked from Twitter. Ruh-roh!

    It doesn’t seem like the frequency is enough to be bothersome, but maybe there’s a need for two Twitter identities? Doesn’t seem very elegant either..

  5. Peter F

    I tend to link more often out of
    Twitter and catch-up on missed posts from RSS. Would be nice if G Reader marked my twitter-read posts as read.

    I talked Internet addictions last night with someone just getting going with Facebook. She loves it and is finding people and said she is getting addicted.

    I’m still trying to figure out Facebook but I love Twitter and realized that’s my main addiction and that one thing I really love is the simplicity compared with Facebook.

    Geez, half the time when a friend sends me something in Facebook, I have to install a new application that I know nothing about. So I try to uncheck the box that says it needs my personal info or something but then I discover it’s not really a choice. It won’t work unless I keep that box checked.

    I think Twitter has the right idea.

  6. Julia Schrenkler

    Your note about dropping RSS is no scandal, mostly. *grin*

    Allow me to join Chuck in the complicating line, because I have bad RSS behaviors – throwing my hands in the air and marking all read, etc. I’m more likely to see (and actually register) your updates via Twitter.

    That said, RSS has a wider reach, and if you’re only using Twitter to expand that reach… well…

    Garrick, I guess that didn’t offer any resolution, eh?

  7. Cody Hanson

    I had a long and thoughtful post in draft status on this very topic, Garrick. I’m sure Twitter drives traffic, but double-posting, even on separate channels, is disrespectful of readers’ attention.

  8. Cody Hanson

    Hm. That came off a little harsh. I should clarify that I think the TinyURL truncation is part of the problem as well. Brevity being the soul of Twitter, there’s really no contextual information available for the user to make an educated decision about following a link. The only information available is the user’s trust of the Twitterer. Double-posting can abuse that trust.

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