Quiet Days are the Second Hardest

TL;DR: Over the past year, I’ve been trying to increase the routine and rhythm in my day for one primary reason – increase and improve creative energy. Essentially, reduce my daily cognitive load for daily tasks thereby increasing the chances of ‘shower thinking’ throughout the day. Everyday, immediately after I step out of the shower, …

Best Buy Should Partner with Jiffy Lube Next

My last engagement with Best Buy concluded 4 years ago – and even then it was an organization under a radical transformation. These challenges have only increased in the past year. Additionally, many of digital savvy members of Best Buy’s leadership have left. Yet, I’m still quite optimistic for BBY’s future. I still think Best …

[UPDATED] The Business-to-Business Sales Tax Discourages Investment in Minnesota

Update 8 March: Victory! – Dayton drop b2b sales tax proposal This morning at the MHTA legislative action briefing, I heard many stories of Minnesota based companies planning out-of-state moves and employment changes ahead of Governor Dayton’s proposed business to business sales tax. Here is the message I sent the Governor, my state senator, and my …

Client Launches: ExperienceLife.com Now Responsive

From the official press release on my recent work with the ExperienceLife.com team “‘Our goal is to provide readers with a positive, consistent experience and easy access no matter where they are and regardless of their chosen device, be it a desktop computer, laptop, e-reader, tablet or smartphone’, says Jamie Martin, Experience Life’s digital initiatives …

Fine, I’ll admit that email is scheumorphic.

‘Forward’ ‘CC’ ‘BCC’ ‘Signature’ All of these elements are carry-overs from, not only an archaic communication model, but an extremely bureaucratic one. One where high value is placed on traceability and formality. I suspect those two concepts by themselves result in higher communicatations costs, reduced message volume, and higher default priority. Do we have a …