Don’t Hold Your Breath

While Darren’s post is specific the challenges of high-profile, pro-bike racing, the messed up relationship he describes is evident in so many other industries, the major entertainment publishers come to mind immediately (music, books, etc). While I admittedly don’t know the specifics of the issues within bike racing (Darren’s the expert here, and I could …

Crazed Small World

Just found out the very cool (persistent Craigslist searching) is run by the same Andrew Payne I’ve been working somewhat indirectly with for about a year now. Proving again: The world actually is pretty small. Every good web developer/designer has a really cool side project.

If Not Traffic and Page Views, What Do We Measure?

Over lunch with a local start up, the conversation moved towards Digg, encouraging ‘Digg’ing, and generally putting more guarantees around getting ‘Dugg’. While it’s great for exposure, it akin to unloading a bus fleet of tourists into your house. Sure, some of them may stick around and have a beer but, is the line to …

How I’m Getting Things Done – Part 2

It’s been 3 months since my concerted effort to be more organized and productive. Some pretty good progress. Email Inbox: 0 Flagged Emails: 0 Flagged Newreader Items: 0 ‘Clean Out’ directory contains: 12 items Physical Inbox: ignored 43 Folders: ignored As I mentioned in my previous post, every next action is goes into the stack …

Rediscover Your iTunes Library with Tangerine

Like everyone else, my podcast listening (and publishing) has an inverse relationship to how busy I am at work. I’ve cut back to only the gPod – bookending the day – with music in the middle. A couple weeks back, I found Potion Factory’s Tangerine, a great little app that generates iTunes playlist based on …

Absolute Thanks

Friend of the podcast Sam Buchanan reminded me the First Crack Podcast got a mention in George Colombo‘s Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Podcasting. Screenshot too. In the section on the benefits of using a weblog engine for handling listener comments and such. Thanks again George.


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