I’ve mentioned before how desperate our TiVo is to recommend its paltry selection of over the air broadcast to us. The other day, I saw Jen delete a bunch of Hogan’s Heros from TiVo’s recommendations. Uh. I kinda wanted to….oh, forget it. Then tonight, going through the Now Playing, 3 of the Scrubs recordings were …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
First Crack 88. Unincorporated
A short story about a private stash in a small rural community. Listen to Unincorporated [12 min]
First Crack 87. Again
I talk about the best TSA airport check point experience ever, review Keyspan’s cordless USB Skype phone, and say good bye to my grandma. Listen to Again [14 min]
Military Coupe? Let’s Go Shopping
After being in Thailand for only a few days I was shocked to read that I had 15 new messages. “Are you okay?” was the common headline. I was eating yogurt with bananas and felt quite fine. I was puzzled by the sudden dramatic concern for my well being. – Brenda
Tina Fey Had the Best Job in New York
TiVo grabbed the premiere of 30 Rock for us. Comparing it against Studio 60 is like comparing the past 15 years of Saturday Night Live against anything funny. Tin Fey’s work on Weekend Update was a small glimmer of hope in Lorne Michael’s otherwise deserted, stale series. Like the paper the next morning, the only …
Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners
I wrote this article earlier this year, and with the original site transformed into something completely different, I thought I’d put it here for us to enjoy for years to come. Podcasting has the same problem as television, radio, and that legendary tree falling in the forest. There’s no accurate way to measure the number …
Continue reading “Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners”
Thinking of the 35th Time Before the 1st
FeedSeeder was deployed on its first publicly visible server this morning. While it took much longer than I expected (better part of my non-client time for a week) much of that time was setting up the infrastructure; prepping the box, loading the project into Subversion, setting up the deployment recipes, etc. While it’s not rock …
Tip on Replacing Apple’s Personal Web Sharing with Apache 2
Remember to re-open the firewall on Port 80 after disabling Apple’s Personal Web Sharing. Apple toggles it automatically with PWS. I needed to create a custom entry in the firewall listings for Apache2 to be accessible from another machine on the network. Big thanks to McClain Looney for the reminder.
SSHKeychain.socket Error on Rake Remote:Setup
Still working through deploying a Rails app (if you’ve been following along, I got Subversion plugged in yesterday). Today was setting up the deployment by running: rake remote:setup The process kept erroring out saying: No File or Directory – /tmp/501/SSHKeychain.socket Turns out I had a bunch of cruft in ~/.MacOSX/properties.plist. After cutting out the offending …
Continue reading “SSHKeychain.socket Error on Rake Remote:Setup”
Suburban Living Not Cheaper Than Urban Living
File under Things You Already Knew: “The costs of longer commutes are so high that they can outweigh the cheaper mortgage payments [of suburban living].” – Washington Post (Thanks to GroovyGreen.com for the pointer)