Tina Fey Had the Best Job in New York

TiVo grabbed the premiere of 30 Rock for us. Comparing it against Studio 60 is like comparing the past 15 years of Saturday Night Live against anything funny. Tin Fey’s work on Weekend Update was a small glimmer of hope in Lorne Michael’s otherwise deserted, stale series. Like the paper the next morning, the only …

Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners

I wrote this article earlier this year, and with the original site transformed into something completely different, I thought I’d put it here for us to enjoy for years to come. Podcasting has the same problem as television, radio, and that legendary tree falling in the forest. There’s no accurate way to measure the number …

Thinking of the 35th Time Before the 1st

FeedSeeder was deployed on its first publicly visible server this morning. While it took much longer than I expected (better part of my non-client time for a week) much of that time was setting up the infrastructure; prepping the box, loading the project into Subversion, setting up the deployment recipes, etc. While it’s not rock …

SSHKeychain.socket Error on Rake Remote:Setup

Still working through deploying a Rails app (if you’ve been following along, I got Subversion plugged in yesterday). Today was setting up the deployment by running: rake remote:setup The process kept erroring out saying: No File or Directory – /tmp/501/SSHKeychain.socket Turns out I had a bunch of cruft in ~/.MacOSX/properties.plist. After cutting out the offending …