Forced Outage

My 6+ year-old DSL modem is not longer serving faithfully. Yesterday, round dinner time, it stopped. Everything. The kind folks at are sending over a replacement, but until then…..I’m bouncing around local coffee shops for access. Ok – DSL is back, looks like it was something wrong with the line itself…but it’s hard to …

Why I’m Rarely Sad When Coffee Shops Close

On my daily walk this evening, I noticed a coffee shop here in St. Anthony Village was no longer. Based on the emptiness on the other side of the windows, it’s been a while since they left. While it’s always sad to see small, local, non-franchise, non-chain, coffee shops close – it’s also sad to …

Storm Relief

I’m a big fan of storms. Everything falls away with a severe storm, summer or winter. Storms simplify. Since I haven’t directly experienced anything more severe than a mild tornado, maybe I’m talking about midwestern storms here – crazy lightening, heavy rainfall, flash flooding, a couple feet of snow, nasty winds, things safely enjoyed in …

Nielsen Analytics’ Economics of Podcasting

Earlier this year, Nielsen Analytics surveyed a bunch of people in Las Vegas and found 102 people that described themselves as ‘regular podcast listeners’. Thankfully, those 102 (77 men / 35 women) represented. Some interesting bits 61 people (50 men / 11 women) said they “always fast forward” advertisements The survey found that the average …

Growing a Business – Today, 20 Years Later

I completely disconnected from phone, computer, internet, for a day and a half this weekend. Much of that time was spent reading Paul Hawken’s ‘Growing a Business’. On my way through the book, I had to keep checking and double checking the publication date (1987). Growing a Business reads like Cluetrain Manifesto (2001) – commerce …