We’ve been in the new place about a week now, and I’m amazed at the difference 3 blocks makes. Seriously, from 2700 block of 31st to the 2900 block of 30th. All week, there’s been kids riding bikes, shooting hoops, and we’ve met half our neighbors. Rock on. Speaking of rocks. We’re deep into the …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Down and Dirty Listener-Centric Podcasts Metrics Thoughts
The article I whipped up for ID3 Magazine on a listener-to-podcaster metrics method is up; Trees Falling in the Forest: Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners. In it, I use Applescript to connect iTunes to WordPress as a way for listeners to rank and send rankings of individual podcasts to the podcasters.
How Radio is Different than iPod
“When you turn the radio back on, you don’t get to finish the Green Day song.” – Jen, this weekend.
What’s the Browser Matter?
I’ve been pondering a redesign of this website for a while now. As it should be, it’s way down the bottom of my Things To Do, but it’s there. I’m writing this in MarsEdit, I’ll read it in NetNewsWire. According to my server logs, some of you are reading this within your Google homepage, Newsgator …
Reorganizing Apophenia
For those of you reading this via RSS, I’ve redesigned the site. Tweaking and torquing Scott Wallick’s VeryPlainTxt theme. I’ve also re-org’d the sections, and generally make the site more extendible, while also pulling in my writing from other sites into the sidebar. One of those sites being my account on Flickr. In the sidebar …
I Know How Aurthor Dent Felt
Woke up this morning to the road construction crew sawing through cement. Wondering why it’s so loud, I wander half-awake through the house, to discover they’re inches from the Neon – sawing though my driveway. Just outta sight are three giant Caterpillar road construction monsters. Damn Vogons.
Cars Shouldn’t Smoke. I’m Sure of That.
Last Thursday, as I come to the end of the exit ramp off Hwy 100, the Neon started smoking. Knowing this is generally a bad sign, I called up Stinson Auto and they sent over a tow truck. The tow truck driver took one whiff of the car and frantically disconnected the battery. “I don’t …
Move On Down the Street
It’s official. Old house sold, new house bought. Move underway as you read this.
Hugh’s Take on Customers as Silo
American Children Helping Uganda’s Invisible Children
Jen found out about the horrid plight of Uganda’s night walking children via Daily Candy featuring The Name Campaign. Hell yea we supported the effort – and got the dog tags to prove it. Mine reads: Yakobo Atidi Age 12 To raise more aid money and expose this global atrocity to more Americans, our own …
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