Garrick: “Doom’s coming out as a movie this fall, starring the Rock“. Jen: “What’s Doom?” Garrick: “The first big first-person shooter video game. You play the video game from the character’s point of view.” Jen: “Maybe it’s not starring the Rock, it’s just from the Rock’s point of view.”
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
The Mass Market Mentality vs Individual Customer
Doug Kaye states Mark Ramsey doesn’t get podcasting. Mark Ramsey replies that Doug doesn’t get broadcasting. Yes, podcasting is a great opportunity for broadcasters to experiment and create a farm team. Yes, podcasting is a no-brainer for a broadcasters to connect with their audience on their audience’s terms. Finally, Yes, podcasting is the easiest way …
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RSS is the Molecular Unit of the Internet
Strip the web of all the graphics, all the CSS, and all the AJAX, and you’re left with a list of things, their detail information, and the forms to add more items to the list. RSS is the list. The web browser is simply a presentation of it. Same as my feed aggregator, my email …
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NPR off Audible Was Easy, NPR Off NPR Is the Hard Part
As broken by Tristan Louisthe Mac Observer (corrected by Doc), NPR is not renewing their contract with Audible. This is a good thing. Podcasting and public radio are peas and carrots. They belong together. By not renewing the Audible contract, NPR removed the easiest obstacle preventing them from offering more podcasts. After some conversations with …
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The Second Difference Between Consumers and Customers
“There’s no time of day that would be good for me. I don’t plan my days around a radio or TV schedule because, quite frankly, I don’t need to. I have an iPod and I can listen to what I want, where I want and when I want. And given that there’s already more good …
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Ruby on Rails is Agile Web Development
If you’ve been following along for a while, you know I’m on a quest to learn Ruby and specifically – Ruby on Rails. Back in May I started on Sam’s Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days. After the fourth time through day 15, I knew I needed some other assistance. The inspiration to find the …
Introducing the Comment-cast
The comments feed of the First Crack Podcast is now a podcast. This is part of the new version of my WP-iPodCatter plugin. To add your audio comment to the feed, just add a link to the mp3 file in the comments form. Yep, that’s it.
Yes, In One Meal.
Jen and I grabbed dinner with my favorite restaurant reviewer and Jen’s favorite massage therapist; Scott & Kat McGerik. If you want more than that, read Scott’s review of the Pad Thai Grand Cafe.
Call for Testers: WP-iPodCatter 0.9a
Hey all, I could use some help testing the new version of WP-iPodCatter Changes in 0.9a: All variables from the replacement wp-rss2.php file moved into the WP-iPodCatter section in WordPress admin Options tab. Updated wp-rss2.php file Support for itunes:block at an individual post level Support for itunes subcategories Support for itunes:explicit at overall podcast level …
Winning on a Level Playing Field
Competitive bowling is an interesting game. Each player throws a ball the same distance to 10 identical pins. A player becomes a professional by knocking over all 10 pins consistently. This level playing field makes bowling one of the few sports where winning is screwing up less. Watching some back episodes of the Amazing Race, …