Learning Ruby – Day 5

Day 5 is all about objects and their methods. Remember a few months back when Apple introduced the Shuffle? Everyone was up-in-arms about it’s lack of screen and how it was useless an mp3 player without a screen is. When in-fact, the lack of screen simplifies and improves the device a great deal. Ruby is …

Learning Ruby – Day 4

Day 4 – Iterators. First, all chapters in programming books should start with quotes from Steve Martin (t). Second, what’s a language without a convoluted loop syntax to geek out on? Geeez. I thought the purpose of learning to program was the same as learning Arabic from the Defense Language Institute – “because you can’t.” …

PodSafeSound and the SpaceShots Rock

Tonight, listening to my “Getting Things Done” playlist while going through Day 4 of Ruby, the Spaceshots’ tune ‘I Promise the World’ came through the headphones. I picked up that tune last November, while subscribed to BlogDigger’s mp3 feed (which I highly recommend for 2-3 days at a time). I search for ‘spaceshots’ at iTunes. …

First Crack 34. Get Your Own Radio Show By Dave & Huna

Two years after their first demo, Dave and Huna got a real, over-the-air, AM call-in talk radio show on March 6, 2005. They tell you what it was like and how to do it. More Stuff: AM 1500 “The Next Big Thing” Dave’s posts on the experience at doodledee.com “yes, i’ll be imagining all of …

Learning Ruby – Day 3

Day 3 is all about strings, arrays, hashes, and ranges – abstract, geeky terms for buckets In Ruby, strings can be treated like arrays. Meaning it’s super easy to access substring. For example: theString = “It’s raining today” theString[13, 5] # returns ‘today’ Finally, I always thought substr() methods were an awkward solution for something …

First Crack 33. HourCar Brings Car Sharing to Twin Cities

Kurt Fischer, Program Manager for HourCar – Minnesota’s non-profit car sharing venture, and I sat down at Nina’s Coffee on Dale and Western in St. Paul. HourCar is planning to introduce car sharing to Minnesota in early May 2005. We talk about car sharing, who is a good candidate for car sharing, and how car …