First Crack 22. MPR’s New Current -Sam & Dave Part 1

This is the first of many shorter excerpts from my extremely lengthy conversation with Minneapolis urban planners Sam Newberg and David Motzenbecker. In this installment we profess our love for Minnesota Public Radio’s new station 89.3 The Current Listen to MPR’s New Current [5 min] Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: …

If a Sign is Needed, Something is Wrong.

In his Roads Gone Wild article for Wired, Tom McNicol describes a new mentality in traffic control: fewer signs = fewer accidents. From this perspective, traffic control signs are actually a poor band-aid for an unsafe environment. At best, they keep accident rates constant, at worst they actually cause more. This phenomenon is not unique …

How to Podcast

Creating Podcasts: Here’s the setup I’m currently using to record the First Crack Podcast: Radio Shack lapel microphone>>M-Audio MobilePre USB Mobile Preamp>>Apple Powerbook>>GarageBand>>iTunes.

Welcome, Everyone from the Pioneer Press

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to everyone that read about the First Crack Podcast (“highly caffeinated public radio”) in the recent Pioneer Press article. Here are some quick links to the shows mentioned in the article: “metro roastmaster at work”: First Crack 16. Interview with a Roastmaster: Greg Beale “the particulars of home …

First Crack 21. Why We Try with Sandy Smallens from Surface Wound

A conversation with Sandy Smallens, bass and vocals from Too Much Joy, and dot com music executive. His new band – Surface Wound just released a self-titled EP. We talk about the realities of balancing the need to play music while having a day job and family, Creative Commons, and the history of discovering new …

First Crack 20. The One True Barista with Sam Buchanan

Sam Buchanan from the weblog and I checkout the newest Dunn Bros on east Lake (just blocks away from the Blue Moon), and discuss his history from barista, to roaster, to Java programmer. Other things to listen for: The history of afong Why Guatemalan coffee is the best Sam’s quest for the One True …

First Crack 19. Coffee and Community at the Blue Moon

Cindy, owner of Minneapolis’ Blue Moon and Second Moon, and I discuss the community value of independent, neighborhood coffee shops. Listen for a patron-thwarted robbery and why coffee should come in small cups. I end the show with “Don’t Tell a Soul” by the Revamps. For more on them, drop lead man Darren Harff a …

First Crack 18. Blogumentary’s Chuck Olsen and the Revamps

Chuck Olsen and I discuss his movie Blogumentary, open source films, vlogging, authenticity, and piles of other things including: Blogumentary [Debt Relief Plan] White Rock Coffee – Adam Sellke’s weblog Joe Trippi’s weblog Plaine Layne is gone Michael Moore Hates America GreenCine Daily Rocketboom VideoBlogging Yahoo group Me TV VloggerCon ourmedia BitTorrent Human Dog …