I’ve described one of the projects I’m working on as ‘Twitter for your wallet’ – makes me giggle. Then when I correct myself by saying, ‘well, more like Pownce for your wallet’ – I completely lose it.
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
BeepRepaired.com Music Blog Uses WP-iCal
I just got word from Josh Engelhardt over at Seattle-based Beep Repaired that he’s using the WP-iCal plugin to maintain a subscribe-able version of the Beep Repaired’s bands’ shows and events. Subscribe to the Beep Repaired Show Calendar
I once heard Cory Doctorow always buys 2 laptops and keeps them in sync’ed up. I
I once heard Cory Doctorow always buys 2 laptops and keeps them in sync’ed up. I’m think that’s the only way to go. My MacBook Pro really wants a clean install.
Making the Toys
When I’m working on start up projects and listening to techstep, I feel a strong affinity for J.F. Sebastian. Related, “I think cyberpunk is alive and well” – Eric Rice
My Cable Access Prediction Coming True
“A provision of a law passed by the [California] Legislature in 2006, which took effect Thursday, allows cable television providers the option of dropping their long-standing obligation of providing free studios, equipment and training to the public.” – Reed Johnson , LA Times Three years ago, I wrote: “Add Cable Public Access to the Endangered …
I’m really enjoying using QSPress.rb to shoot quick drafts into my blog. Oh sure
I’m really enjoying using QSPress.rb to shoot quick drafts into my blog. Oh sure, I’ve got a pile of drafts to publish – but they’re much more fulfilling that Twittering them (and I have a record).
What Have You Deployed Today?
Some of you have been around web design long enough to remember the 4Ds (Discover, Plan, Design/Develop, and Deploy) that were so popular in agency marketing materials in the late 90s. At the time, I once asked my CEO about them (he wrote the marketing copy) “Well, we don’t do them on all the projects. …
It’s kinda like MacroMyopia
It’s kinda like “MacroMyopia” – this tendency to underestimate that tomorrow is a new day, and overestimate that right now (while damn good) has a few significant, hard to solve problems. I think there was even a musical about this….set in the Great Depression.
Grammar Reminder: I.E. or E.G. ?
i.e. = “that is” (Latin: “id est”) e.g. = “for example” (Latin: “exempli gratia”)
I turned my notecards upside down
I turned my notecards upside down – grabbing from ‘bottom’, each task is a new surprise!