My Cable Access Prediction Coming True

“A provision of a law passed by the [California] Legislature in 2006, which took effect Thursday, allows cable television providers the option of dropping their long-standing obligation of providing free studios, equipment and training to the public.” – Reed Johnson , LA Times Three years ago, I wrote: “Add Cable Public Access to the Endangered …

It’s kinda like MacroMyopia

It’s kinda like “MacroMyopia” – this tendency to underestimate that tomorrow is a new day, and overestimate that right now (while damn good) has a few significant, hard to solve problems. I think there was even a musical about this….set in the Great Depression.

Something Keeps Burning

Lots of chatter about the usefulness and relevance of FeedBurner since the Google acquisition 1. Chris Baskind formalizes it by updating the reasons not to use Feedburner to cache your feeds. “FeedBurner is showing its age. While Google has ignored its new baby, technology has been steaming ahead.” – Chris Baskind Baskind’s analysis is more …