potty training stats: hours to pants ratio; 3:5 # "treat your users as owners"…another principle behind @cullect – cullect/1: http://culld.us/687441 # "The slicker you make your show, the more it looks like a Pepsi commercial. It also gets less interesting to me " http://culld.us/687256 … # IL2: MPR’s rebroadcast of last night’s debates. Definitely not …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-31
Guiliani’s presidential campaign was a manifestation of New York City arrogance. # is looking for people w/ blogs that they can add javascript widgets onto to test a new feature of @cullect. DM me. kthxbye. # proving the future is already here: "policy changes begin to affect the economy as soon as they are anticipated" …
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-30
after forgetting about it for ~2 years, one of the very 1st features for ‘feedseeder’ came back to me this morning. It now awaits deployment # @geniodiabolico – as both listener and a publisher I’ve found it overly complex and fragile. # http://tinyurl.com/34tcx3 confirms my feelings that the economy is only bad because it’s an …
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-29
MinnPost proves they’re ‘real journalists’ by speculating. Rad. http://tinyurl.com/yntbf4 thx @s4xton # @BaldGuyShow_AJ – I did – http://tinyurl.com/yp3rv5 – from http://TerraPass.com # @BaldGuyShow_AJ – why do you ask? # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-28
@geniodiabolico inspired by one of your tweets, I heavily refactored @cullect all weekend. So heavily, I need a new MC. Who’s your favorite? # @gapingvoid, "hey, they’re Parisian literary purists – they’re going to bitch and moan anyway." Brilliant! cullect/1: http://culld.us/641081 # @geniodiabolico – Chuck D is works. I’m versioning w/ ‘MC’ or ‘Mc’ or …
Garrick Talking Blogs at the MN ISPI Feb 19th Meeting
On Feb 19th, I’ll be talking about using blogs, wikis, podcasts, et. al for team training and knowledge management with the MN chapter of the International Society for Performance Improvement. More info at the MNISPI.org site It should be fun.
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-27
google is either flakey or down again. I’m back to http://icerocket.com # toddler potty training status: Day 1. Hour 3. I’m ready for a nap. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-26
watching season 1 of Torchwood via Netflix. Pretty good. Needs to either get darker or more humorous to be enjoyable long term. # @jwynia, Top # lists are useless and why any on-demand/streaming service won’t beat Netflix for a while. J’s Top 100 is far more interesting # a nice reminder that in more places …
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-25
http://everyblock.com is about to launch. I’m interested, even it if involves newspapers. cullect/1: http://culld.us/619110 # my initial impressions when seeing the opening shots of GigaOm TV http://tinyurl.com/2ywmga : ‘boring’ or ‘porn’. Neither sound interesting. # spent his morning alternating between business taxes and potty training. The former is in the mail. The later is maybe …
Twitter Updates for 2008-01-24
@timelliott – I’m real anxious to listen to them (and some Talk Shows, and @gapingvoid’s latest, and an EconTalk). # "may", "might", "could" are words that belong in fear-mongering propaganda….not Public Radio news reports. # @timelliott – 65 feeds may not be as arbitrary as you think, @cullect reading lists feel best in that area …