Tuesday, 16 October 2007

RE: Crushing the life out of the iPhone ecosystem

A couple years back, after ‘getting’ the idea of having all my favorite audio with me at a moment’s click – I had grown bored of my then new 40gb iPod. A few minutes of searching and I found Doc Searls link about the iPod Platform. Suddenly, I was neck-deep in podcasting. Even in those early days, the open, informal, deep-dive nature of podcasting made my iPod interesting again in a way the closed iTunes Music Store just didn’t.

From another early days MN podcasters – emphasis mine:

“As a stockholder, I’m concerned about the command-n-control, draconian measures being exhibited by Apple around the iPhone and what that is doing to any semblance of an iPhone ecosystem. I’m also bored with a stock iPhone and was really enjoying what the ecosystem was delivering.” – Steve Borsch

I’ll be excited about the iPhone when it’s more of an ecosystem and less of a museum artifact. Looks like that time will be in February 2008 🙂

Saturday, 7 July 2007

How the iPhone Unexpectedly Impressed Me

I stopped by the Roseville Apple Store this afternoon to diagnose 2 recurring problems with my year old MacBook Pro; 6 month old battery barely holds a charge, and bottom quarter of the LCD screen is all multi-colored stripes – completely unusable. It’s just a few weeks outside of it’s one-year warranty, again proving to always buy AppleCare for portables.

Finally got a chance to check out the iPhone – as the signs in the store remind you – it’s the best iPod. An iPod with 2 networks attached to it (WiFi & AT&T). Definitely not a phone with an iPod attached (my hope). As you’ve probably read before, it feels good to hold and to look at. I found the flatness of the touchscreen a little unsettling – no tactile-ness to confirm appropriate pressure.

I was also disappointed in how Apple implemented the YouTube integration – no way to browse YouTube’s tag structure – just the Most Viewed and Featured – making it feel too much like a rented walled garden.

Clicking around some more, I checked out the Notes application John Gruber eloquently called ‘a train wreck’ and started typing.

“Just type any word, don’t worry about the keyboard”, requested the Apple sales guy.

I start typing my name.

g. a. w. x. x. k. (or something just as off).

“Garrick?”, asks the spell-check.

I’ve never had a spell check guess my name from a misspelling. Even when correct, most think I’m garlic.

Well done.

08 July Update: Just found why I might end up getting an iPhone: iPhone for Web Developers


“…this thing is not Mac stable, it is maybe Windows mobile stable… ” – Brian Lam, Gizmodo

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

How To Install MacPorts, Apache2, Rails, MySql, Mongrel, and Subversion on an Intel Mac

Now that I’m just about ready to deploy my first rails app, I thought I’d get the deployment environment set up rock solid on both the production and the development machines (one Mac Mini and one MacBookPro).

Like many other tutorials on this same subject, your mileage may vary. In fact I’m writing this now, because mine did. After stalling out in many of the tutorials all different places, this is what worked for me.

  1. Download and install MacPorts (used to be DarwinPorts)
  2. Open up a terminal and type:
    sudo port selfupdate
    making sure everything is the way it should be.
    If you’re like me, you get port: command not found in return.
  3. I fixed this by opening up .bash_profile in a text editor (Textmate: mate ~/.bash_profile) and adding the line
    export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
  4. Next download and install MySQL5
    I grabbed the binary from the bottom of the MySQL 5 download page. It comes with a System Preference Pane and checkbox for auto-startup. I’m using CocoaSQL for admin.
  5. Change the MySQL5 root password

    /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
    /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h [HOSTNAME] password 'new-password'
  6. Next load up the Apache2 package
    sudo port install apache2
    (this takes a while)
  7. sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist to launch Apache2 on startup. I’ve disabled Apple’s default Web Sharing in the System Preferences.
  8. Create an initial http.conf file
    cd /opt/local/apache2/conf
    sudo cp httpd.conf.sample httpd.conf
  9. Start up Apache2
    sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k start
  10. Load up http://localhost. It should say “It works!”

  11. sudo port install fcgi
    sudo port install lighttpd +ssl
    sudo port install mod_fastcgi
  12. Next load up Subversion package with the mod_dav_svn for Apache2
    sudo port install subversion +mod_dav_svn +tools
  13. Next load up Ruby, RubyGems, Termios, RB-MySQL5 Bridge, and ImageMagick Packages
    sudo port install ruby
    sudo port install rb-rubygems
    sudo port install rb-termios
    sudo port install rb-fcgi
    sudo port install rb-mysql (I had some errors on this one.)
    sudo port install imagemagick
  14. Install a bunch of useful gems, like rails and capistrano.

    sudo gem install --include-dependencies rake
    sudo gem install --include-dependencies rails
    sudo gem install --include-dependencies termios
    sudo gem install --include-dependencies capistrano

    sudo gem install daemons gem_plugin mongrel mongrel_cluster --include-dependencies
    sudo gem install --include-dependencies mongrel
    sudo gem install --include-dependencies mongrel_cluster

    sudo gem install mysql --

    (thanks to d. robert adams for the last bit)
  15. Create a rails app
    rails testapp
  16. Connect the rails app to mongrel

    mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e development -p 8000 -a -N3 -c /RAILS/ROOT/OF/TESTAPP

Thursday, 8 February 2007

iTunes Music Store Replies – More than Two Years Later

Dear Garrick Van Buren,

Thank you for your interest in iTunes.

After careful consideration of your application, we believe that the most efficient way to get your content up on iTunes in a timely fashion would be for you to deliver the content through one of the several digital service providers with whom we currently work.

For your information, below is a list of several companies that can encode and deliver your music content to iTunes. Should you be interested, please determine which digital service provider is appropriate for your particular content. For Audiobook content, see below.

Please note that the companies listed below, regardless of their location, may be able to deliver content for global Artists and Labels

Huh, where the did this come from?

The best I can figure:

Sometime between October 2004 and June 2005 – before iTunes had a built-in podcast directory – I filled out an browser-based iTMS application to sell the First Crack Podcast through their store.

Not getting a response in a timely fashion – say, within 27 months – I forgot about it. Completely.

As you see, the email give no context (i.e. ‘RE: your the application – submitted on Nov 23,2004’) and it even has a ‘do_not_reply’ in the ‘Reply-To’ field.

My opinion of iTunes has dramatically decreased over the past year and getting bizarre emails like this don’t help.

I wonder if I’d feel the same if Apple bought Audion instead of SoundJam.

Friday, 19 January 2007

Backing Up with rsync, iCal, and Applescript

This morning marks the completion of the first full backup I’ve done in quite a while. But not the last. For the past 3 months, I’ve been working on an automated backup system – so I no longer need to wonder if things are backed up. They are. In at least two places.

A little background:

  • I only have Macs in my house. One of them…the Mini, acts as a server
  • I’ve got a StrongSpace account. Not that this makes much of a difference, any accessible volume could work the same (I’m intrigued how S3 might work into the mix as well).

The backup system is tiered;

  1. Every couple of days, the “client” Macs, the ones that get used everyday, backup to the Mini with
    rsync -aE --exclude='.*' /usr/bin/ssh /[path to source folder (see below)]/ [username]@[url of local server]:/[path to your backup directory]/

    I’ve got these all wrapped up in a single backup.sh file, with a line for:

    ~/Library/Application Support

  2. Then, the Mini backs up the client folders to StrongSpace.
    rsync -rltvz --exclude='.*' /usr/bin/ssh /[path to client backup folder]/ [username]@[url of online server]:/[path to your online backup directory]/
  3. I’m using SSH Keys (the /usr/bin/ssh in the strings above) to automate the login (see MagpieBrain for instructions on setting this up).
  4. On all the machines, the backup.sh file is wrapped in an Applescript
    do shell script "/Users/garrickvanburen/Documents/Projects/RSYNC/garrick_backup.sh"
  5. The Applescript is called from an alarm in iCal, like this

What’s your backup strategy?

David Roessli takes a different approach.

Saturday, 13 January 2007


I believe it’s been said many times before; while there are many other tech companies out there – Apple is the only one worth complaining about.

If Apple was actually interested in short-term value and a simple, highly-constrained, highly-polished experience, the iPhone wouldn’t do 2/3 of this things it’s purported to (still being vaporware and all) and it’d be 1/2 the price. But wait – OS X has BSD underneath it, responds to AppleScript, Automator, I can create all sorts of custom software on it, and is quickly turning into the choice development platform for developers – because of the integration of elegance and underlying access. Apple can do both – their pedigree is in making it easier for regular people to make things – while encouraging consistency.

“…it’s what user interface guidelines did in the early Mac…making all applications adhere to certain conventions so users would have a predictable method of working applications…” – Steve Borsch

On top of that, the iPhone is being positioned as the replacement for the Treo and the Blackberry (if only in price point). A new closed system will dramatically slow adoption. Adoption by a highly vocal, discriminating, influential, and well off group of people.

Did I mention, the majority of my developer friends have switched to the Mac? They expect to have access to their devices. I know I do. Lots of organizations sell controlled experiences. From Disney to our state penal system. While lock-in may have been a feature 10 years ago (AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe), today it’s a bug. Walled gardens – no matter how pretty – are simply less fulfilling on the second visit.

Oh, and Scott, by the way, all my clients are welcome to post to the Work Better Weblog. And if you want to change the layout, feel free to parse the RSS feed into something that works better for you.

Lastly, where will Apple get their next great interaction idea from – if not their own developer community?

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Apple iPhone: The Mobile Widget Web Calls

1. It’s not extensible by third parties, only Apple. The means at the moment no RSS readers, no Slingplayers. – Michael Gartenberg

Seems to directly conflict Apple’s own messaging…especially the notion that OS X / Safari widgets can be used on the phone. RSS or otherwise.

“That it’s a cell-phone, so what?” – Rex Hammock

Yep. Which comes first:

  1. iChat calls standard phone numbers and becomes iPhone’s killer app
  2. Skype is “ported” and becomes the iPhone’s killer app

PeterMe asks the same question:

“why use Cingular if you can just Skype?”

“It isn’t OS X proper, as you’d expect. And like an iPod, it won’t be an open system that people can develop for.” – Brian Lam, Gizmodo

Oh – so the iPhone actually won’t be able to compete with Palm’s Treo. That’s unfortunate. But, restricting it’s functionality, it is a really good way to reduce demand of a highly coveted device. Until…like replacing the hard drives in our old Macs, and the batteries in our iPods, the developer community finds a way in…..official or otherwise. Steve-O knows the value of exclusivity and crashing the party is still getting in.

Apple TV is for You and YouTube

Like complaining about the lack of a display on the iPod Shuffle, or the lack of an FM tuner on the iPod, complaining that the first version of Apple TV is only 720p is a non-starter.

HD is not the point. Home movies aren’t yet shot in HD.

Simplifying the experience of getting internet video – youtube, video blog, etc – onto a television is the point. All the current offerings are awful. I’ve talked about this before.

Maybe HD will come later. Doesn’t matter. We need faster bandwidth, bigger hard drives, and better cameras to support HD delivered this way before then. Notice there’s no DVD drive on the Apple TV.

Apple TV does for television what Airport Express did for your home stereo. Extends iTunes. Just as Steve Rubel states:

“..although certainly exciting from a consumer POV, offers very little value for advertisers. The reason is that it’s basically a media extender.”

TiVo faired pretty well on the news, their stock inched up 0.2 points. Same with Palm (up 0.8). Compare that to RIMM – down 11 points). Yahoo has the graph

More later. Maybe.

In the comments, Michael Markman is right. There’s not specific tying Apple TV to YouTube (a really good thing). Any RSS feed sending audio or video to iTunes can be extended by Apple TV. Heck, drop the low-res Quicktime home movies to your iTunes library and Apple TV will send them to the big-ger screen.

Sure, the more purchases through the iTunes store, the more big media will be available in it. From a marketing perspective Apple wants to exchange our dollars for their DRM. There’s a whole bunch of video I’ve created that I want to send to the TV. Extending iTunes to my TV is the easiest way for me to do that.

Rubel continues:

“Apple TV won’t have the any kind of impact on TV advertising.”

Well, it’ll extend the impact Netflix and DVD players have had on TV advertising. In the words of Douglas Adams – “You’ve got to build bypasses.”


The ability for me to ‘subscribe’ only to specific shows and forgetting about the whole concept of a channel (which is essentially a hang over from broadcast) makes a damn site more sense to me.” – Karl Long

“Note that everything they are talking about is Big Machine Media, which I also have no intention of watching. I’m wanting to watch Strong Bad Emails and Ask a Ninja and Tiki Bar TV on the phone” – Dave Slusher

12 April 2007

“If you’re technically proficient enough to read this blog, AppleTV is not for you” – Dave Winer

30 May 2007

Beginning in mid-June, Apple TV will wirelessly stream videos directly from YouTube and play them on a user’s widescreen TV. Using Apple TV’s elegant interface and simple Apple Remote, viewers can easily browse, find and watch free videos from YouTube in the comfort of their living room.”

Note to Steve Jobs – the invoice for my consulting is in the mail 😉

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Internet-to-TV: How to Beat TiVo

“Sling Media’s entertainment division, told B&C that through SlingCatcher, users will be able to…bring online video content to the TV.”

[via Fimoculous]

The idea of getting any internet-delivered video presented on a television is something I’ve talked about here and here.


“the SlingCatcher is different from other digital media servers because it just relays whatever is on your PC screen to your TV, without file conversions.” – Om Malik

“One way or the other, the line between broadcast/cable TV and internet TV will disappear and quickly.” – Jeff Jarvis

Apple TV just made TiVo obsolete. Sure, it’s tied tightly to iTunes. But I as long as I can avoid the DRM of the iTunes Store, the TiVo can collect dust.

Apple’s up 7.5 points on the announcements.

Tuesday, 12 December 2006

DRM: Doesn’t Really Matter

It’s no secret that folks looking to pick up some new tunes would like to avoid DRM at all costs, but instead of seeing CD sales skyrocket, there’s simply been a general decrease across the board in the whole “music buying scene.” – Darren Murph, Engadget

If I buy CDs these days, it’s directly from the artist. It’s far more likely that I’ll just give my favorite artist a few bucks. Oh, and then there’s this whole DRM-free podcasting-thing.