Mental Exercise: Armored Trucks / CC BY-SA 2.0 Sitting in traffic yesterday, an armored Dunbar truck drove by in the other lane – not unlike the one in the photo above. All I know about armored trucks is that carry cash. Everything I know about cash is that it’s going digital (debit cards / automated deposits & withdrawals, …

Prediction: Dow 12k By End of Year

The Dow hit a 13-month high today closing at 10,226.94. A 200+ point rally today. While I’m still concerned about the 100+ point fluctuations in Dow’s daily closings, I’m confident we’ll close 2009 by recovering the ground lost in October 2008. That’s 1800 points in 7 weeks, ~30 trading days, an average of 60 points …

2010: The Great Restart

I could stare at this image all day. Continually riding its roller coaster in my head – watching geo-political events, holidays, elections, and family gatherings, all unfold. Whether we call it the Great Recession or the Great Nominal Spending Crash1 – I don’t think we’ve seen the interesting part yet. I predict a dramatic recovery …