Markets Self-Correct

from “Divine Intervention”: Drilling Boom Revives Hope for Natural Gas, Prices Fall By 42% in Two Months – Mark J. Perry I love when markets self-correct. When prices or activity reaches a point where they start to turn back on themselves.

What if We Had Just 10% More Energy Producers?

If memory serves, the internet was originally developed as a national defense mechanism. A way to keep communications – in a distributed manner – flowing after a nuclear attack. Each node a client and a server, a receiver and producer. Today, not only are the vast majority of Americans online (receivers), but a good chunk …

My 11 Favorite Eponymous Laws

Amara’s law — “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run”. Brooks’ law: “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” Conway’s Law : “Any piece of software reflects the organizational structure that produced it.” Edwards’ law: “You cannot apply …

Are Some RSS Formats More Reliable/Faster than Others?

via Twitter, I was asked the above question. It’s a good question, cutting to the core of my ambivalence over the religious wars between RSS, Atom, etc. The flavor of XML a feed is published in shouldn’t matter. Neither to the publisher nor the receiver. Any parser able to handle multiple flavors should be able …