EFF’s Computer Owner’s Bill of Rights

Installation of arbitrary applications on the device.If the user wishes to, they should not be limited to what is included in one particular proprietary “app store.” Access to the phone OS at the root/superuser/hypervisor/administrator level.If consumers wish to examine the low-level code that is running in their pockets, to check for invasions of privacy, run …


“…the new Sabbath Manifesto app, for the iPhone, Android, Blackberry and other smartphones, announces to your social networks and online community through Facebook and Twitter that you are unplugging and will not be available online. Users can also sign up for text alerts that will remind them on Friday to unplug. ” – Tanya Schevitz

Focus as a Small Opt-out

“We can begin by mimicking the [digital] Sabbath in small, by recognizing that by dedicating time to one activity or one person, without interruption from gadgets, work, or other people, will help us slow down and connect.” – Rebecca J. Rosen,