Tuesday, 17 October 2006

Lowering the Barriers of Connecting Podcasters and their Listeners

I wrote this article earlier this year, and with the original site transformed into something completely different, I thought I’d put it here for us to enjoy for years to come.

Podcasting has the same problem as television, radio, and that legendary tree falling in the forest. There’s no accurate way to measure the number of listeners.

That’s not to say there aren’t metrics. There’s are plenty of things to count – each with it’s own issues. Counting pageviews excludes listeners that only pay attention to the RSS feed. Counting hits to the RSS feed also includes directories and aggregators. Counting downloads of a specific mp3 file then shaking out duplicate requests from the same IP address and failed attempts just might provide the most accurate number of downloads – for that specific podcast.

Despite the effect this number has on your monthly bandwidth bill, it still says nothing about the number of people actually listening.

Emails, weblog comments, audio comments, trackbacks, a mention in another podcast are all great methods for measuring the hardcore fans – the people deeply affected by a podcast to act – post-listen. Arguably, these are the only listeners worth caring about. These are the listeners more apt to spread the word about you – to yet to be fans.

Personally, I’m a big – perhaps not hardcore – fan to a number of podcasts and I don’t regularly invest that level of communication. Partially because not every podcast compels me to comment and partially because it’s not always easy or convenient. Eric Larson, from the Ericast mentions the comment line phone number. I’ve called and left a message more than once. Other times, not a all. Does that mean I wasn’t there to hear it?

As a listener and podcaster, I don’t think so. Neither does AttentionTrust.org.

Why does the number of listeners matter?
Traditionally, this is what advertisers mean by ‘reach’ – the number of people exposed to a specific message. Even in the comparatively mature fields of television and radio, counting the audience any more specifically than a millions is a shot in the dark. In the internet world, browsers knows where they’ve been (browser history) and the sites visited have a similar record (server logs). AttentionTrust.org believes if more than those 2 parties aren’t involved today, they will be shortly. Though this attention data is valuable to advertisers, competitors, researchers, in addition to the the site owner and the visitor, the visitor needs to have control over how it’s shared and what level of identifiable. All in a well-formed, easy-to-share XML document.

So, advertisers care. Not everyone cares about advertisers.

A podcaster’s audience is made up of 2 groups of listeners – those driven to invest the effort of crafting and send a response, and those not. Any given listener alternates between action and apathy continually. Within the apathetic group, some will never signal their existence, others just need a method of communication with a lower barrier. This is where someone like the AttentionTrust comes in – providing tools to reduce the barriers of involvement.

Flip on the AttentionTrust AttentionRecorder and your browser clickstream history can be sent to RootVaults service and the default ACME Attention Service, or stored locally (redundant to your browser history). As of this writing, the AttentionRecorder captures HTTP traffic from the Firefox browser. In the audio realm, Last.FM’s iTunes plugin will send everything you play up to their database, where you can share it with others and find new and similar things. Like the Podcasts.Yahoo.com directory, the iTunes podcast directory, PodcastAlley, and so many others, there’s someone missing from the equation. The podcaster themselves. Each one of those services offers ratings and commenting – each distinct, redundant, and independent from the podcaster’s own site that may very well have both. As Dave Winer said about more than one RSS-like format, “two is more than twice as bad.” Each additional service shoe-horning themselves between saving listener responses increases the burden on the podcaster and the confusion for the listener.

The First Crack Podcast already has commenting & trackbacks – standard in the WordPress system and a 5-star rating system (using Owen Winklers Votio plugin

So, let’s build a little something to reduce the level of investment required to connect listeners and podcasters. Something that reuses existing information.

First off, like your web browser, iTunes (what i use for my podcast listening – though not for receiving) records what’s played and when. That’s how it populates the ‘Recently Played’ and ‘My Top Rated’ playlists. On the Mac OS X side – all the information iTunes stores is accessible through Applescript.

To access all the information about the podcasts you’ve recently listened to, open up your Script Editor and enter in:

tell application "iTunes"
repeat with theTrack in (get every track of playlist "Recently Played")
if (genre of theTrack) is "podcast" then
set theAlbum to (album of theTrack)
set theArtist to (artist of theTrack)
set theTitle to (name of theTrack)
set theRating to (rating of theTrack) as string
set theDate to (played date of theTrack) as string
set theCount to (played count of theTrack) as string

display dialog "Podcast: " & theAlbum & "
" & "Podcaster: " & theArtist & "
" & "Episode: " & theTitle & "
" & "Your Rating: " & theRating & "
" & "Last Played: " & theDate & "
" & "Times Played: " & theCount
end if
end repeat
end tell

Now, we can use Applescript to connect the iTunes ratings to the Votio plugin in WordPress. To do that, we need some common bit of information between the mp3 file and the podcast’s website. What I’ve done is put the Votio rating URL in the ID3 tags ‘grouping’ field.
"http://firstcrackpodcast.com/wp-content/plugins/votio.php?id=297&index=" for example.

tell application "iTunes"
repeat with theTrack in (get every track of playlist "Recently Played")
if (genre of theTrack) is "podcast" and (grouping of theTrack) contains "votio" then
set theRating to ((rating of theTrack) / 20) as integer
set theDate to (played date of theTrack) as string

my sendRating((grouping of theTrack), theRating)
end if
end repeat
end tell

on sendRating(theURL, theRating)
open location theURL & theRating
end sendRating

Running this script incrementally updates the average rating and total votes (listens) on FirstCrackPodcast.com for the individual episode.

In the end, it provides a very low barrier, low commitment way for listeners to tell podcasters what they’ve heard, and what they like on a per episode basis – on the podcasters own site (where this information belongs).

There are a number of ways to refine and extend this script – like integrating it into Jon Link’s iRate Dashboard widget or Last.FM’s iTunes plugin. Things are moving so fast, by the time you read this – those extensions might exist. Or, an altogether more sophisticated method.

Thursday, 5 October 2006

Odeo Disconnects

“As of November 1, 2006, Odeo phone posting will no longer accept calls. We will continue to host and serve all MP3s made with the service indefinitely, but you will no longer be able to use it to post new audio.”

Until moments ago, I would recommend Odeo and Hipcast (formerly Audioblog.com) as the easiest way to get podcasting – just sign up and call the phone number they give you. (Odeo free, Hipcast small fee)

Boom. Mass voicemail.

Outside of that, I wasn’t sure what Odeo had unique and compelling from so many of the other players in the space (is it a directory?, a studio?, a social network?, an aggregator?). Only their post-by-phone clicked for me. I guess it didn’t click for anyone else.

Kudos to Hipcast for charging from the beginning and ensuring a greater permanence than a free, resource-intensive service.

Many thanks to Eric Rice for clarifying the difference between Hipcast and AudioBlogger.com (the post-by-phone engine behind Odeo). For quite a while, I thought they were one in the same. Real glad they’re not.

“Statistically Nobody is Listening to Your Podcast”

“…at the beginning of the year Feedburner had 1 million subscriptions to podcasts it helped deliver. That number has now grown to 5 million subscribers for 71,000 podcasts. For you math fans, that means the average podcast has … 70 subscribers. – Frank Barnako”

(emphasis mine.)

70 is a great number. It’s not a number that makes sense for advertisers – it’s statistically zero (credit to Dave Slusher for the quote titling this post). Well, until we can accurately measure influence and caring.

“But it is a number that can find your friends, like thinkers and make you feel that you are talking to more than 3 people.” – Kris Smith.

Exactly. Mass voicemail.


“”The average blog has exactly one reader: the blogger.” – Eric Schmidt, CEO Google, via Jeff Jarvis

Thursday, 28 September 2006

Podcasting: Hot or Cool?

…in the McLuhan sense.

“Hot media are high definition (“well filled with data”) and demand a relatively passive audience; cool media are low definition and require intensive audience participation to fill in the blanks. Hot media intensely engage a single sense; cool media loosely engage multiple senses. According to McLuhan, movies and radio are hot media while television and conversation (on the phone or in person) are cool ones. Print is generally a hot medium (the eye must closely follow a linear arrangement of symbols) but can be cooler depending on context.” – Cecil Adams

From this (I don’t have McLuhan’s Hot & Cool within reach) I say cool – require intense audience participation and are low definition.

For reference, television and phone conversations are ‘cool’ – while movies and radio are ‘hot’.

Tuesday, 29 August 2006

iTunes Podcast Directory Strategy – Divert and Distract

Based on the “Promote Your Podcast and Make Money on iTunes” email I just received from the iTunes Podcasting team, Apple’s podcast directory revenue-generation strategy is two-fold:

  1. Divert: Apple wants podcasters to point listeners to the iTunes Podcast directory listing of their podcast – rather then the one controlled by the podcaster. From Apple’s perspective, this increases usage of the iTunes Music Store. From the podcaster’s perspective, you’re handing over full control of your podcast to someone else – that’s suicide. Though, you might get to be listed in the Top Podcasts as a consolation (then again, you might otherwise).
  2. Distract: Once iTunes has your listeners, anything they purchase within 24 hours the directing podcaster receives a 5% commission on (4.95 cents here, 4.95 cents there, soon we’re talking ad money). As should be obvious, this distracts the listener from the entire reason they came to iTunes (the podcast).

As with the iTunes Podcast Directory thus far, the big loser is the podcaster. The smaller loser is the listener.

Thursday, 17 August 2006

Thursday, 27 July 2006

Nielsen Analytics’ Economics of Podcasting

Earlier this year, Nielsen Analytics surveyed a bunch of people in Las Vegas and found 102 people that described themselves as ‘regular podcast listeners’.

Thankfully, those 102 (77 men / 35 women) represented.

Some interesting bits

  • 61 people (50 men / 11 women) said they “always fast forward” advertisements
  • The survey found that the average length of the podcasts being listened to was 44 minutes. (Dave, isn’t that how long your walk is?)
  • The cumulative total of all monthly downloads for a given podcast series can hit 2 million. (No mention of how many were failed or actually listened to.)
  • Training, education, and other business-to-business oriented podcasts make more sense than entertainment podcasts.

Nielsen’s entire report is $1200 (I’d like to link it, but I can’t find a url that works). Now that’s how to make money podcasting.

Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Monday, 17 July 2006

T-75 and Counting

PodcastNYC lists out 9 Ways to Kill Podcasting. Articulating some of the ‘this feels wrong’ parts of the iTunes, Yahoo podcast directories.

On the other side, thanks to Dave Winer for comparing the river-of-news vs. portal presentations. Personally, I see time-based navigation as a good way to see how a story evolves – though, I think the story itself should be the primary navigation method.

Any individual item in an rss feed has a number of attributes. From my perspective pubDate, source and author are of secondary to title, link, description.

Oh, and if your interested in getting early previews of this project – drop me an email.