George Lakoff on Katrina – Failure of Moral Values

In a nice follow up to my earlier There’s No Helping the NeoCons post, George Lakoff comments that Katrina was not only a natural disaster and federal failure, it was a complete failure of the Republican moral and political philosophy. (emphasis is Lakoff’s) “The [right-wing conservatives] central principle: Government has no useful role. The only …

Federal Ineffectualness Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

If you’re trying to show the value of and need for a small government, what better way to do it than bog it down in red tape, heel-dragging, target-less finger-pointing, and ignoring the pre-existing plans. By cutting funding, acting slowly, and otherwise sabotaging success – whether in the public education system or the New Orleans …

There’s No Helping the NeoCons

A while back, I read George Lakoff’s Don’t Think of an Elephant. It was extremely helpful in understanding how progressives and neo-conservatives frame issues differently and their underlying values. From it, I learned NeoCons see asking for help a sign of weakness. That all assistance is charity and charity should be abolished. That if you’re …

“George Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People”

Anyone else catch this on NBC’s Concert for Hurricane Relief? The man that said it was on camera with Michael Myers. I didn’t recognize him. Did you? UPDATE: According to PBCLiberal, it was non-NBC talking head Kayne West Video can be found at Zebrality Looks like I heard something different, the quote being reported is: …

First Crack 56. Bill Lofy on Paul Wellstone and Politics

Bill Lofy, Wellstone Action‘s Communications Director, and I talked about his two new books; Paul Wellstone – A Passion for Politics and Politics the Wellstone Way just as they hit the shelves. Be sure to catch Bill on his national tour promoting his Wellstone biography. If Camp Wellstone comes to your neighborhood, I highly recommend …

CPB – Subsidizing American Culture or Unnecessary Intermediary

Should the CPB continue to receive tax payer dollars? On one hand, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting funds some of the most well known American culture icons – Sesame Street, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Nightline, among them. Programs and lessons that shaped my childhood and the childhoods of everyone I know. On the other …

Historical Political Drama Double Feature

Last night, Jen and I watched All the President’s Men, off the Netflix. It’s the screen adaptation of the Watergate investigation starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Woodward & Bernstein, or “Woodstein”. Considering the whole thing went down months before I was born, my understanding of Watergate is ethereal at best. The movie is …