Treo Replaces iPod for Brush Clearing Listening

Finally had a few moments to clear out the tree damage we had from the late summer thunderstorm I mention eariler. About halfway through, the battery in my 40gb iPod started flaking out – as it’s so prone to do. With the battery only reliable when it’s plugged in, the usefulness of the iPod is …

Hoegaarden and Tivoli as Storm Provisions.

We picked up a Tivoli iPAL a couple weeks ago. I’m glad we did. Tonight was the first big storm of the summer – without the Tivoli we would have been without a battery-powered radio. Before the weather went south, I thought a nice Belgian beer would be refreshing in the 80 degree heat. The …

Remembering the TRS-80 Color Computer

Inspired by Frank Patrick, I thought I’d track down the first computer I remember programming on – the Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer II. Thanks to Dad for the hardware and Mom for the subscription to the short-lived Enter Magazine. Ironically, it was called the “color computer”, and I only remember it plugged into a 9″ …

Exactly the Same Thing as a Treo from Earthlink

The reception on my T610 has been awful lately. A month or so back the signal was so clear people could hear the birds in my backyard. Last week, I’d be lucky to make out words under the tidal waves of static. On road trips, the T610 lost it’s signal the moment the “Wisconsin Welcomes …

How to Set Up a Linksys Router with Mac OS X

“INSERT CD FIRST”, screamed the sticker on the back of the Linksys wrt54g router. A decade with Macintoshes has taught me the suggestions are normally for Windows machines. The router was persistent – and the sticker was blocking the power port – so, I thought I’d humor it. I was right. The CD shipping was …