We Edit Each Others Media in a Post-Filter World

Previously, I’ve talked about the a Business Model for Abundance and what price means in an age of abundance. Seems like a meme going around. “Soon everything will make it to market and the real opportunity will be in sorting it all out.” – Chris Anderson Yes, I see Attention.xml playing a big role in …

RSS Feeds to Replace CDs

To this point, musicians need to press bits of plastic (records, CDs) each time they want to share music with their fans. This means, enough music has to be ready to make pressing bits of plastic worth the cost. These bits of plastic are then shipped at an additional cost to stores where hopefully the …

Anonymous Responses Are Useless

One of my current projects has a major survey component. The survey ends with: “If you’d be open to follow up questions, enter your email address below.” There’s about a 60 / 40 split on responses with emails and those without. The responses without email addresses have skipped questions, irrelevant answers, and are generally unusable. …

Theres Always More Than One Way

“Don’t ever allow yourself to believe that there is only one way to make ideas real.” – Scott Berkun Stated more traditionally, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.” The great thing about roadblocks is they force an evaluation of goals. For example, you’d like to publish a book and are continually rejected …

The IKEA Furnishings Subscription Model

I had a couple of apartments completely furnished via IKEA. As I’m sure you know, once assembled Billy isn’t going anywhere. Drooping and wabbly, the Billy entertainment system lasted – to the day – as my last rental lease. Not a bad thing, I didn’t have to move it. Though it did leave me without …

How Netflix Could Use Recommendations To Increase Subscriptions

One of the challenges of highly customer-driven systems like the iPod, Tivo, and Netflix is the keeping it fresh. I wrote about my experience with this problem last fall (New, Unexpected Music on Your iPod). I’m sensing the same “2,000 songs and nothing’s on” wall with Netflix. Sure, there are 50 discs in our queue …