Bex asked me for 8 things;
- I took the left-brain/right-brain dominance test Bex referenced and it said I, “you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the ‘larger whole'” and recommended I be a design consultant. 🙂
- Climatically, I’m the most comfortable between 42°N and 52°N. I don’t know about S.
- I long for a day when the Beatles won’t be overexposed.
- The smell of sage reminds me of The 24 Hour Christmas Flu.
- Reading to my son reminds me of high school forensics
- My first reaction to not finding something quickly: eliminate all the clutter
- I only recently came to terms with the number of books I own that I’ve never read.
- My comfort in leaving things unread extend to feeds. But you already knew that. 🙂