I Still Don’t Care What Everyone Thinks

AideRSS (a feed-filtering service) is starting to pick up traction in my blogosphere.

“[AideRSS] analyzes the activity around each item in an RSS feed – Technorati hits, comments, Del.icio.us links, traffic reports, etc. – and calculates a score for the item. It then creates four feeds from the original feed, each set to a higher activity threshold.” – Matt Thompson

Centralized metrics are a great idea from the publishers perspective – potentially more comprehensive than both Technorati and FeedBurner. Now, do you see the problem from the reader’s perspective?
To paraphrase Tony Hung at Deep Jive Interests – just because something is internet popular, doesn’t means it’s personally relevant.

A year ago I wrote:

“[T]here isn’t an easy way to glean the conversations, emerging and otherwise, within the comparatively small group of people I trust.”

It’s still needed.

3 replies on “I Still Don’t Care What Everyone Thinks”

  1. This whole discussion flows from the prevailing 60’s mass marketing approach to everything.

    The truly disruptive approaches will turn this thinking inside out and create micro-markets based on the consumer’s varied circles of interest and social contacts. These can’t be predicted, but evolve. Large media outlets have no particular advantage in this scenario or approach.

    Of the three key components of any media: content, editing and the channel, the editing will continue to be the toughest nut to crack, but is this *the* key one to tackle with respect to the Internet fire-hose of content.

  2. Isn’t that why I read you? Because the focused sources that frequently provide great articles are more useful than the general sites, but in the end everyone must decide for themselves what is important.

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