Buy the Planet Kubb ‘Unite People – Create Peace’ T-Shirt $15

Planet Kubb’s first t-shirt is now available.

$15 + $5 shipping.

If you’d like a different size – email me

Just like the graphic above, the shirt will be red with kubb’s slogan – “Unite People and Create Peace” – in calm white letters.

Roggen Brett – Just Bottled

Tonight, I bottled my Roggen Brett, a 60% rye beer fermented with 100% Brettanomyces. I’ve been savoring it since. Easily the most delicious beer I’ve brewed to date – and it’s not even carbonated yet.

The beer is the color of leather. The nose – a mix of dark fruit and horse blanket. On the tongue, the medium body starts out both spicy and tart then finishes sweet. Hints of cherry and apricot can be picked up the entire way.