Solving Math Through Podcasting

With apologies to all the godcasters, the “Nine Wives” episode of Numb3rs uses a religious leader’s podcast to track him down. I can’t believe how many times I heard the word “podcast” used in bad dialog….and this is after I was baffled why they didn’t have an iPod in the Prius. Crazy TV.

Blurring Identity to Clear It Up

“What if there was an agreed upon microformat…that would telegraph to others our capabilities, experience, strengths, knowledge and, especially, our availability to be hired?” – Steve Borsch Must be something in the warm Janurary in MN air. A lunch earlier this week – unfortunately without Steve (need to remedy that) – was all about the …

Stop the Presses – Save the Journalism

NickelNuts pointed me to an article by media lawyer, Steven P. Aggergaard article via instant messaging, I read it in my web browser, and then posted this to a weblog. Aggergaard is arguing we need to keep paper in newspaper – because that equals journalism and full-time jobs. Despite all the costs and overhead he …