Month: September 2007

To Do Before I Die: Get 99 Other People to Speak My Made Up Language

While Toki Pona‘s minimalism feels too much like Newspeak for my taste, the notion of creating a new common-use language is an intriguing thought. Especially if the language’s biases were deliberate – and I agreed w/ them 😉 – from the beginning. Initial thought: a highly technolibertarian version of Dutch. Thanks to: Hobbies in everything- […]

Assuming a Silo?

My only issue with A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web is that it seems to assume a silo. Cause, why else would it be needed? If I always have full control (i.e. installing and maintaining a wordpress install on my own servers – not at why would I need beg […]

What’s Better?

In 10 minutes, everything will have an RSS reader built into it; email clients, browsers, audio/video/image players, phones, every single website. Each application parsing and presenting feeds in a way that’s contextually appropriate. I hope. If you want a ‘good enough’ general purpose feed reader, use Google Reader or Bloglines, or Newsgator, or or or […]