Unspoken, Unfortunate, Synonyms

From what I can tell; “SEO” is an unspoken synonym for “works better in Google” “Social Media” is an unspoken synonym for “works better in Twitter” Both of these are unfortunate for they: turn something easily understandable into something vague and amorphous – the exact opposite of good framing mask the monopoly those companies have …

WordPress URL Shortening Hack

My last post, Publishers Shorten Yourself, got me thinking about easy, low-tech ways to provide a short url for WordPress blogs. Turns out, just 1 line of code is needed in the .htaccess file. RewriteRule ^(d+)$ http://[YOUR-BLOG-URL]/?p=$1 Add it in just after RewriteBase so your .htaccess looks something like this: # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> …

Publishers Shorten Yourself

The Wege pointed me to an excellent article by Joshua Schachter on the issues w/ URL shortening services. It’s consistent my concerns and my Insecurity of Short URLs post. As I alluded to that post, I see 3 opportunities for URL shorteners, all of them revolve around increasing trust (branding, security, backup). Let’s take that …