Culld.Us – URL Shortening Reimagined

We don’t shorten URLs just to shorten them. We shorten them for the same reason big box retailers sell flat-pack furniture – greater confidence during transport. With that in mind, I’ve completely rebuilt Cullect’s URL Shortener1 – It’s still custom brand-able. In a way I’m much happier with than in the previous version – …

Rails Cookie Settings for Cross-Subdomain Sessions

For the past day, I’ve been tracking down a hair-pulling-ly frustrating bug in Rails ( with Authlogic on Passenger). My sessions weren’t sticking in production Cross-domain or otherwise (doubly frustrating because a) Authlogic has been so rock solid for me otherwise, b) worked as expected in development). Turns out, I wasn’t setting the session domain …

Kernest as an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

“We Make Shitty Software… With Bugs!…We know our software sucks. But it’s shipping! Next time we’ll do better, but even then it will be shitty. The only software that’s perfect is one you’re dreaming about. ” – Dave Winer Kernest, my web fonts service, has been publicly available for just under a month. In that …

Talking Short URLs with Zack from Nieman Lab

Zack Seward from Harvard’s Neiman Journalism Lab and I talked about URL shorteners yesterday – and the responsibility of publishers to shorten themselves… “The really, really big benefit in that case is that it’s no longer a redirect…” …and the additional opportunity for a focused, curated, short URL service…. “he raised an idea that’s been …

Shortly Over

“No business we approached wanted to purchase for even a minor amount.” I appreciate’s honesty. From what I understand,’s business model was similar to’s and – what increasingly feels like – Twitter’s business model: aggregate and sell statistics on how information is being shared on real-time basis. Measuring word-of-mouse if you …