The older I get, the lower my tolerance for fictional stories about people disliking themselves and those around them. I’m not a fan of AMC’s Mad Men, I concur with Kevin Fenton’s assessment: “With the exception of a few marginal characters who get to show human complexity as a sort of consolation prize for not …
Monthly Archives: October 2009
First Crack 121. Drink Beer from a Cat’s Butt: Tasting of Mikkeller’s Beer Geek Brunch
Now that Surly’s Coffee Bender has become the pinnacle of Coffee Stouts I’m on a quest for interesting and unique coffee beers. I picked up bottle of Mikkeller’s Beer Geek Brunch – an oatmeal stout with civet coffee. After the civet coffee review with Sam Buchanan how could I not take this beer home. 10.9% …
Corkboard Productivity
There’s a corkboard downstairs in what I enjoy calling the ‘machine shop’. In fact, there are 2 corkboards. A big one on the main wall, behind a heavy, wooden desk with a dozen perfectly sized drawers – and a second, smaller one on the back wall. When we moved into this house 3 years ago, …
Tasting Mikkeller’s Civet Coffee Stout
What’s it take to get me podcasting again? How about Danish brewery Mikkeller putting poop-ed out coffee in their beer. Yep. That’ll do it. First Crack 121. Drink Beer from a Cat’s Butt: Tasting of Mikkeller’s Beer Geek Brunch
Initial Reaction to the Barnes & Noble Nook
First off, the Kindle is the only device I that made my heart drop when it feel on the floor and broke. As I mentioned earlier, it’s not a perfect device. Overall it feels slow and clunky. Simultaneously, it gets out of my way and is cool enough to let me get swallowed up by …
Continue reading “Initial Reaction to the Barnes & Noble Nook”
Wanted: Spinning class for Cyberpunks
60 minutes of Jungletrain on a spin bike while Ghost in the Shell plays on an IMAX screen.
How I Reached Inbox Zero(ish)
Something must be in the air. Like Dave, I’ve been making a concerted effort to clean out my email inbox over the past couple weeks. All year, I’ve been fluctuating between 80 – 140 messages, not including the hundreds sitting in my ‘Respond to’ folder. For the past week, I’ve been steadily at Inbox Zero. …
RSS-Powered, Low-Powered FM
Mike O’Connor pinged me about an idea he had to build-out a low power FM radio station using RSS-based technologies. I completely agree – and the idea gets me all giddy. No only does it combine 3 of my favorite things: RSS, podcasts, and reaching a small community with simple technologies – it dovetails nicely …
DroidDoes is the Anti-1984 Ad
25 years ago, Apple announced their new, friendlier, easier-to-use personal computer with the iconic 1984 ad where a heroine throws a hammer – taking down a non-descript technical figure. Tonight, I watched Verizon’s new ad. Verizon is declaring Apple’s iPhone is too friendly, too simplified, too limiting – what you need is a non-descript …
Garrick Talking Sinatra.rb – Chippewa Valley Code Camp – Nov. 14 2009
On Saturday, November 14, 2009, I’ll be giving a talk on the Sinatra web framework at the Chippewa Valley Code Camp – held in UW-Stout’s Millennium Hall. It should be fun, especially since Justin Grammens and Sam Schroeder are also on the schedule talking iPhone Development.