“For example: I’d like to see a start up set out to become the world’s best email service. For $40-$100 a year, customers would have unlimited storage, a powerful (ad free) interface, and rock solid reliability. ” – Drew Breunig
Monthly Archives: February 2012
“One thing that I find missing is discovery of non-new content. The web is completely oriented around new-thing-on-top. Our brains are also wired to get a rush from novelty. But most “news” we read really doesn’t matter. ” – Evan Williams
Friends != Content Generators
“I believe we all live vicariously through the people we love and admire, we bask in their stories and their grace. To somehow conclude that it’s beneficial for us to ‘consume the information shared’ by those we love via the heavily branded and advertising-conscious proxy that is Facebook is, in fact, an insult. It’s a …
“I sometimes think that Silicon Valley is this weird abstract hunting ground where Neo-Victorian aristocrats hunt and kill good ideas for sport, the same way their ancestors would have killed foxes.” – Giles Bowkett
A Much Tastier Sandwich
Remember back when John Gruber called iPhone Web Apps a shit sandwich. And then Apple fanboys dragged Apple into native applications while balkanizing the nacent mobile software world? Have you heard that today, WebKit is so popular other browser vendors are contemplating support -webkit CSS prefixes. Now today, Apple announces: Mac is obsolete. All their …
“We’ve created 10 core principles completely open for your unique interpretation. We welcome you to join us as we carve a weekly timeout into our lives and to continue the momentum of the National Day of Unplugging throughout the year. On March 11, 2012”
Why My Software is Ugly
“In the eyes of many customers, ugly equals authentic and credible. Ugly helps you get the task completed quickly without any fuss or distraction. Ugly is going to give you the details. Ugly is not hiding anything. Ugly does not waste your time on surface images and trivial jargon and hype.” – Gerry McGovern Hat-tip …
Focus as a Small Opt-out
“We can begin by mimicking the [digital] Sabbath in small, by recognizing that by dedicating time to one activity or one person, without interruption from gadgets, work, or other people, will help us slow down and connect.” – Rebecca J. Rosen,
“don’t build technology unless you feel the pain of not having it.”
“Suffering-oriented programming greatly reduces risk by ensuring that you’re always working on something important, and it ensures that you are well-versed in a problem space before attempting a large investment.” – Nathan Marz
Opting Out of Gmail
“I want to continue using the Google tools I love without the risk of loosing my online identity by doing something I didn’t know was prohibited (I am still not sure why that Google Adsense account is gone), without the work involved in understanding the entire Google ecosystem to manage my privacy, and without constant …