Email is the Common Social Network

“Email is the one application that is on every connected device out of the box. You don’t need to visit the app store to access email. It is the lowest common denominator of networked applications. People know how to use email an they check it very regularly.”


“…the new Sabbath Manifesto app, for the iPhone, Android, Blackberry and other smartphones, announces to your social networks and online community through Facebook and Twitter that you are unplugging and will not be available online. Users can also sign up for text alerts that will remind them on Friday to unplug. ” – Tanya Schevitz

How Reasonable

“In retrospect, it seems pretty clear that my Objectivist phase had more to do with the subjective agonies of post-adolescence (insecurity, narcissism) than it did with pure reason.” – Sam Anderson, NY Times Magazine

Slumming it

“Slum tourism is a type of tourism that involves visiting impoverished areas, which has become increasingly prominent in several developing countries like India, Brazil, Kenya, and Indonesia The concept began in poor sections of London and by 1884 had started in Manhattan.”