
a couple things I’ve written on the subject of third party buttons littering the web: from 2010 “In my experience, customer preferences move faster than website refresh schedules – so by the time the ‘Facebook Like’ button is integrated in a useful manner – the visitors changed their preference.” from 2006 “Once I’ve decided on …

The Four Firkins – Drinking with the Right Brain Class

Last night, Jamie and I joined 20 others at Josh Peppers’ Drinking with the Right Brain class at The Four Firkins. It was a super fun night of subjective, emotive, beer appreciation. Josh curated a diverse and interesting selection of beers (Fat Tire, Helios, Wells Bombadier, Tripel Karmaliet, something forgettable, and DeuS) I highly recommend …

Open Loop #0 – But No Shoes

Drinking beer with our right brain. Introducing Open Loop. Being compelled. Thinking Fast and Slow. The time that Jamie deleted all of his nginx configuration files. Notes & Links: [0:00] Garrick’s blog post on Drinking with your Right Brain with Josh Pepper at The Four Firkins He’brew Bittersweet Lenny’s R.I.P.A. [5:26] Blue Yeti Pro and …


“I see Google as solving legitimately difficult technological problems, not doing stupid things like cloning Facebook. Google, in my opinion, lost sight of what was important when they went down this rabbit hole.” – Spencer Tipping

Clay Shirky on Newspapers

“For the readers, old habits are not the same as current loyalty. For the advertisers, previous convenience does not translate into planned commitment. For the papers, historical longevity does not imply future resilience.” – Clay Shirky


“While it is possible to find a needle in a haystack, even using specialized machines to do so takes a considerable amount of time, particularly since bone needles cannot be picked up by magnets. The task is difficult enough to still make the saying viable.” – MythBusters, Needle in a Haystack Episode And that’s with …

EFF’s Computer Owner’s Bill of Rights

Installation of arbitrary applications on the device.If the user wishes to, they should not be limited to what is included in one particular proprietary “app store.” Access to the phone OS at the root/superuser/hypervisor/administrator level.If consumers wish to examine the low-level code that is running in their pockets, to check for invasions of privacy, run …