Monthly Archives: July 2012
Ockham’s Thrist
Should people who exercise seek to proactively replace fluids lost, or can they rely on thirst to guide them during and after physical activity? And when they rehydrate, do they need all the salts, sugars, and other ingredients dumped into sports drinks, or is water fine? The correct answers are: best to rely on thirst, …
“There is no one kind of being busy. I don’t necessarily want to be busy. I don’t feel like I need to prove anything by being busy. I even know that I’m more productive and creative when I’m *not* busy.” – Rex Hammock
Open Loop #3 – Kubb Fever
Beer: unknown Why we crazy about the Kubb? 2012 USA National Kubb Championship Kubbchucks v Tad Kubbler Game 1 Kubb and Koffee, Tuesday Friendlies US Kubb Nationals, what was it like How did the “big show” work Our games, eternity… Sunday – the finals Planet Kubb Notation & Planet Kubb Scoresheet
table for two
“Think about how you’d feel if a guy sat down at your lunch table one afternoon when you were interviewing an applicant for a vice-president’s position and tried to sell the two of you a car, and wouldn’t go away.” – @Man. I don’t read Doc as much as I used to. Which means that …
Alt View
“What if we eventually realize that, like the alt weeklies, these are things we do because they should be done, because it’s fun, to make our little community a better place … not because they’re going to be great businesses.” – Derek Powazek
“Nearly all the text is rubbish, but no-one now knows which parts are true.”
“This ‘Kubb’ entry was rescued from Wikipedia on 25th September 2006, in its most extreme and most untrue state. The article was subject to a sustained assault over a five-month period by contributors who were reacting against the censorious approach of one Wikipedia official. Gradually they changed the text, added fictitious names and events, and …
Continue reading ““Nearly all the text is rubbish, but no-one now knows which parts are true.””
Natural Forces
“Had I been responding to any of the number of alerts on my phone, I’d have missed the beauty around me for the digital existence that would, and will still be there for me when I’m ready to access it again.” – Lee-Ann Bigwood
Attention & Ambition
That’s a lot of Wood 2012
Dobbie from Des Moines Kubb was in town tonight for the Minnesota Kubb Tuesday night friendlies. Jamie and I played a couple of very fun games with him while testing out the latest Planet Kubb Scoresheet. All told, 14 players were honing their wood tossing skills this evening. Despite the flesh wound, we all fared …