“PPS. Being a Marketing 2.0 geek/blogger/entrepreneur is pretty cool, but being a cartoonist is WAY cooler.” – Hugh MacLeod
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
To Do Before I Die: Get 99 Other People to Speak My Made Up Language
While Toki Pona‘s minimalism feels too much like Newspeak for my taste, the notion of creating a new common-use language is an intriguing thought. Especially if the language’s biases were deliberate – and I agreed w/ them 😉 – from the beginning. Initial thought: a highly technolibertarian version of Dutch. Thanks to: Hobbies in everything- …
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Assuming a Silo?
My only issue with A Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web is that it seems to assume a silo. Cause, why else would it be needed? If I always have full control (i.e. installing and maintaining a wordpress install on my own servers – not at wordpress.com) why would I need beg …
RE: Rice Lake Cross Country Meet
Back in HS XC, the Rice Lake race was one of a handful of races I always looked forward to. Aside from being a very competitive race, the course had an interesting features – back then, it started out around the Community College’s baseball diamond, as people fought for position and got into their pace …
Innovation in Feed Aggregation = Search?
“So what do I say when people want me to switch my reader away from Google Reader? I answer ‘it’s too late.’” – Robert Scoble 1 Anyway, in the comments, there’s a pointer to fav.or.it. Like streamy and aiderss it’s another attempt to make a new kind of aggregator. From the screencast, it seems more …
Dr. Who’s to Blame
If you’ve been watching the new Dr. Who series (even via Netflix like myself) then you you can be relieved to know that Torchwood is now it’s own series1. Laurel points to this review: “If Torchwood has one real problem, it’s that it’s trying to be two series at once. One is a mostly smart, …
Re-Tweeting FeedSeeder
If you’ve been reading my twitterings over the past week or so, then you’re already read this stuff. I’m posting it here to include it in the FeedSeeder category archive fer later. “…there are only very few instances where unsub’ing from a feed makes sense.” “@swirlspice – exactly. the real issue is how always find …
Unread Bug
“Unread counts now go to 1,000, so that you can know just how far behind you are when you come back from vacation.” – Google Reader WTF? Telling me there are a 1,000 new things in the world is a feature? Hell, where’s the count of all the people I haven’t met, all the foods …
Thanks, er, Mahalo
Kris pointed me to a ‘which tech-celeb are you quiz?‘: “You are like Jason Calacanis in that you have a very important view of yourself. You have had success in the past and that success puts you in a place of importance that you are very, very aware of. You enjoy the finer things in …
What’s Better?
In 10 minutes, everything will have an RSS reader built into it; email clients, browsers, audio/video/image players, phones, every single website. Each application parsing and presenting feeds in a way that’s contextually appropriate. I hope. If you want a ‘good enough’ general purpose feed reader, use Google Reader or Bloglines, or Newsgator, or or or …