Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Save for Later Because
I think albums of music and podcasts are very similar and I see both them very different from radio. Unlike Dave, I don’t want my podcasts automatically deleted, I would like the ‘Save’ or ‘Delete’ option just as I do on Tivo. The iPod/iTunes assumes everything is precious (it’s not), automatically deleting assumes nothing is …
The Real Need to Disintermediate “Friendship”
“Okay, Twitter is funny; I really don’t want to type in @garrickvanburen when Garrick knows who he is, but ‘at Garrick’ gets coded wrong. :(” – Eric Larson “I would love to see the distributed infrastructure of the web, blogs and RSS reach the level of adoption and usefulness that Facebook has, I’m quite certain …
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Netflix Defines a 3-Star Movie for Me
This week our Netflix queue hasn’t been very good to us. While Prison Break started off engaging and interesting, it falls apart quickly halfway through Season 1 Disc 2. Where the less MacGyver-inspired supporting stories unfold. Netflix’s Suggested Rating: 3-stars Last night, Idiocracy. After watching more than 15 minutes of the film, I’m not surprised …
Which Car Should I Buy?
Repairs on the ’98 Neon are approaching it’s value and I can’t rely on it the way I was once able to. It’s been a great car, but I can see the day when it won’t serve us anymore. With that in mind, I’m starting the search for a new vehicle to replace it. From …
In Dave Slusher’s Dog Daze Clambake, Dave digs into his financial strategy. While I appreciate where Dave’s coming from (don’t buy stuff you don’t need) and our savings rate is also in the double digits, he makes a couple of assumptions I completely disagree with: Retirement, as sold to our grandparents, will exist a decade …
Safari 3.0b Quick Review
Some nice improvements in the Public Beta of the new Safari. A mix of must-haves and nice-to-haves. I’m quite pleased by the following: Resizeable textareas Spotlight/Firefox-esque in-page Find Submit buttons now support CSS
Gizmo Project now supports AIM and MSN ‘…
Gizmo Project now supports AIM and MSN ‘buddies’. But not both at the same time. If they did, I’d drop Adium. But they don’t so I still don’t have a reason to use Gizmo over my current Skype/Adium combo.
Tolls, Feast, and Central Street
This past weekend was the second scheduled Chicago trip for this summer. Like previous trips, all my frustrations and annoyances with the city back. Immediately. As we sat for 20-minute in a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam behind the 85 cent toll booth at O’Hare. What a horrible way to introduce visitors to the city. I strongly …