Friday, April 13, 2007 1:33:51 PM

I re-listened to the proceedings from February’s Public Media conference yesterday. The first time around I missed the ‘origins of objectivity’ bit (not taking a positioning makes it easier to attract the widest range of advertisers). Seems consistent both in light of this week’s Imus drama and in why the difficulty in advertising on blogs. …

How We Should Get Podcasts On Our Phones

There are a handful of services that bring podcasts to mobile phones over the phones data connection. Unfortunately, navigating the phone that way is really hard. I think there’s an easier way. Update 31 Aug 2007: I love the internet. If you wait long enough, the things you’re looking for will find you: “Podlinez is …

Wanted: Bud Nippers

I took a long walk yesterday, and on Dave’s recommendation, listened to the great Skepticality interview with Pro. Philip Zimbardo (Stanford Prison Experiment, The Lucifer Effect, etc) on how “normal” people turn “evil”. Answer: Baby-step by baby-step in an environment encouraging exclusion. While my initial reaction to the blogosphere drama of the last couple weeks …

I’m Demoing The FeedSeeder Project @ MinneBar 07

If you’re on the fence about attending MinneBar, I’ll be demoing the FeedSeeder Project. Maybe that’ll tilt you either way. I’ve got a stack of index cards listing features that should be implemented by then. 16 features, 16 days. Tick tock. Update 11 Apr 2007: I’ll also be leading a session on ‘Designing for Use’. …