Wednesday, March 7, 2007 11:33:43 AM

I wasn’t getting the upload speeds I was expecting. Not by a long shot. After troubleshooting the dsl line and the modem itself, the Speakeasy rep and I determined the Linksys WRT54G router was the issue. Upgrading the firmware to v4.21.1 didn’t improve anything. Then, after poking around the router’s admin settings, I found the …

If Radio Changed Would Anyone Hear It?

“If radio featured significantly less advertising, would that keep listeners away from their CD’s and iPods and satellite radios and TV’s and video games? Indeed, would that make the radio industry a healthier one?” – Mark Ramsey, Mercury Radio Research. These days, after more than 5 minutes of broadcast radio, I need to turn it …

Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:45:31 PM

Just got word a good friend is now home from the hospital after being victim of a car-v-person hit-and-run. The damage: two broken legs – one expected to heal in 3 weeks, the other in 3 months. If you’ve got some good vibes, perhaps you could send them towards Chicago’s north side. Thanks.

Betch’ll Listen

Mark Kermode’s film reviews are quickly approaching ‘must listen podcast’ status. Not only are the reviews hilarious, Mark is at his best when he’s terribly off-topic, like this insightful tidbit from the 23 Feb 2007 installment: “He’s a Methodist, we don’t bet” Huh, I wonder if that’s why I’m not a fan of gambling.