Darrin’s raced bicycles for probably half the two decades+ I’ve known him. Inspired by Darrin’s USCF My Way post, I asked him to unpack the problems in local competitive bike racing that his points would solve. Listen to Darrin Homme on Improving Competitive Bicycle Racing [24 min].
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Congrats to Tekdiff – Reaching 100th Episode
Congrats to Cayenne Chris and Tekdiff in reaching the 100 episode milestone. One of the longest running and still the funniest comedy podcasts around. Back in First Crack #45 – Cayenne and I talked about Tekdiff.
First Step’s the Hardest
“Success comes when you create something you want and need — and then find other people like you who agree they need and want it also.” – Rex Hammock
iTunes Music Store Replies – More than Two Years Later
Dear Garrick Van Buren, Thank you for your interest in iTunes. After careful consideration of your application, we believe that the most efficient way to get your content up on iTunes in a timely fashion would be for you to deliver the content through one of the several digital service providers with whom we currently …
Continue reading “iTunes Music Store Replies – More than Two Years Later”
Consciously Overlooked
“There are lots of topics I want to track but I don’t care if I see every item.” – Steve Rubel
20th Century Phonecasters
“To listen to the music, a subscriber had merely to sit beside the telephone and hold the receiver to his ear.” – Popular Science, September 1933
What Do You Think I’ll Like?
Aaron, one of the masterminds behind FeedRinse, asks that all RSS Reader provide feed-recommendations. While I agree there is value in RSS readers making it easier to add relevant sources, my experience with the recommendation engines like Netflix and Amazon has them batting .30. It’s rare that I purchase or rent anything either of those …
Blogumentary now on Google Video
Just got word that Chuck Olsen put his film Blogumentary all up on Google Video. Congrats Chuck. Chuck and I talked about the film back at First Crack #18 and I reviewed the film way, way, back in First Crack #6.
The Power of 1 Slice of Bread
Every wonder why there aren’t as many open-face sandwiches for sale in your local supermarket. No?…..well, it’s political: “USDA inspects manufacturers of packaged open-face meat or poultry sandwiches (e.g., those with one slice of bread), but FDA inspects manufacturers of packaged closed-face meat or poultry sandwiches (e.g., those with two slices of bread).” – U.S. …
Can I Celebrate New Years on Feb 1?
Like magic, all the crazy stress and pressure I’ve been working through the past 8 weeks evaporated at the stroke of 12 last night. Seriously, magic. I have no other explanation. Then again, I have no explanation for why January was that tough either. Things feel like they’re right back where they should be. Mind …