(photo from Feedburner Fotos) I’ve got a lonely XL Feedburner PodcastExpo 2006 T-shirt lying around that I’m happy to pass along to someone that – unlike myself – can fill it out. Put your offers in the comments. Franks.
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Liberating Iraq for….China?
“So, not surprisingly, [China] seeks to resurrect old oil-field deals it had with Saddam in Iraq. Did I not say this would happen? Our blood, their oil. When I was in Beijing in 2004, I told everyone I met with that China should have 50k peacekeepers in Iraq, because in the end, it would mostly …
A Warning to Restaurants: I Can’t Taste You
There’s been more than a couple times I’ve ordered something to drink or eat out with family and the order gets mixed up and we don’t realize it until I’ve already eaten not my order. Turns out, unless the food’s flavors are obvious, loud, and complex, I don’t notice them. This so clearly explains why …
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A Different Second Life
“Since he can’t defend the real world created by his policies and his decisions, Mr. Bush is inventing a fantasy world in which to campaign on phony issues against fake enemies.” – New York Time Editorial 02 Nov 2006
We’ll Get Better Security When it Makes Business Sense
“Before the photo ID requirement, these tickets were regularly advertised in classified pages: “Round trip, New York to Los Angeles, 11/21-30, male, $100.” Since the airlines never checked IDs, anyone of the correct gender could use the ticket. Airlines hated that, and tried repeatedly to shut that market down. In 1996, the airlines were finally …
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When Not To Do a Holiday Logo for Your Software
Earlier this week, graphic designers everywhere swapped out regular logos for Halloween-themed ones. Google, MacUpdate are just two I bumped into within my browser. Outside of my browser – TextMate – also changed it’s normally non-descript logo earlier this week to a glowing jack-o-lantern. The difference is huge. Each day, I ignore Google’s logo microseconds …
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“People who care about what they eat go somewhere on purpose. People who don’t care, go close or cheap.” – Seth Godin Related: This is an important tipping point in Second Life’s history, as there are approximately THREE efforts to build alternatives, using open source and less expensive technology. – Eric Rice
Where Was I?
Where was I last week? I don’t know either. Doesn’t matter, I’m back. Let’s rock.
I Thought Europe Was Already a Museum ;)
“In that scenario Europe survives as an Asian and American theme park, with the manual labor done by Muslims. The French and German lifestyle will continue, but with smaller numbers and as a kind of museum piece.” – Tyler Cowen The rallying cry for change: Europe is too rich, too lazy and lacks a dream, …
Genealogy Namespace for OPML?
In my effort to organize the collection of family tree data I’ve acquired in the past week, I’ve tried out a number of proprietary software applications – some worse than others. Currently all my data is in a free application that imports and exports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ GEDCOM format. The …