SSHKeychain.socket Error on Rake Remote:Setup

Still working through deploying a Rails app (if you’ve been following along, I got Subversion plugged in yesterday). Today was setting up the deployment by running: rake remote:setup The process kept erroring out saying: No File or Directory – /tmp/501/SSHKeychain.socket Turns out I had a bunch of cruft in ~/.MacOSX/properties.plist. After cutting out the offending …

How To Set Up Subversion, svnX, for TextDrive on OS X

I’m walking through the latest beta version of Agile Web Development with Rails 2nd Edition, specifically the new bits on deploying Rails apps. Capistrano – the preferred and recommended deployment utility. Thing is – Capistrano hinges on Subversion. Not something covered in AWDwR or appropriate to be covered. There’s plenty of other books on the …

MN Governor e-Debate 2006 First Impressions

Steven Clift is moderating the 2006 MN Gubernatorial candidate e-dbate. I’ve been following along via the RSS feed. Ever day a new question – perfect. This is exactly how I like my politics – integrated into how I do everything already (RSS). The questions are good, the answers are surprisingly good considering it’s a ‘political …

We Aggregate and Filter Each Other

Great post over at the Pomo blog, Pardon my removal of the blacklisted buzzwords. 😉 “Because there are far more people creating content than there is time for people to consume it. Therefore, trusted, smart filters… become desirable. Who does the filtering? Sometimes, it’s a person or people, but increasingly we consumers do it ourselves” …

Leo Laporte Gives Up on Podcasting

I’ve subscribed to the Daily Giz Wiz for quite a while now – the combination of goofy banter, unloved gadgets, generally silliness, and it’s brevity makes for great podcasting. It’s the only TWIT-family podcast I was still subscribed. Unfortunately, in today’s – #166 – the new TWIT intro calls it a ‘netcast’. Lame. What’s a …