Pruning the Beanstalk – Feedreaders Need to Grow With Us

“Odeo will work fine for new subscribers, but as soon as you’ve been subscribed for a few months, it’s impossible to use.” – Michael Mahemoff Michael’s got an excellent point there. If you’ve following my writing, you know I have a similar problem with the 300+ subscriptions in my NetNewsWire (up from 250, up from …

Success Equals Being Acquired and Losing Control?

Check out this one line in ZDNet’s coverage of TechCrunch’s Arrington web winners/losers list: Winners (got acquired) Now, I don’t know if that’s Arrington’s perspective (I suspect so) or ZDNet’s (also likely), either way the sentiment is disturbing. If this is the mentality of the Valley, then I celebrate every project on the “Very Good …

Wanted: More Publishers and Better Filters

David Newberger and I were talking about information filtering models and much of the thinking behind Feedseeder came though as did a couple much larger issues. The conversation was so good, I thought you’d enjoy it as well. David: I was talking with a few people today and each one mentioned Information Overload in the …

Tivo HD vs Apple iTV

Jen and I talked about Baby Tivo recently. It’s a paltry 40gig, single-tuner. But, sans-cable, it serves us well. Today, Apple announced their iTV, shipping sometime next year. Priced at $300, plays HD video, HDMI ports, wifi, Front Row (or something like it), everything you’d expect (maybe a DVD drive?). Then later today, I received …

I’ve Never Been to New York or New Orleans

Last year’s Katrina disaster in New Orleans is a far more important event in our nation’s history than today’s date. Katrina told us we’re unprepared for predictable, frequent, and common events. That’s bad. Nothing wrong with being unprepared for rare and spectacular events. “In many ways, the success of 9/11 was an anomaly; there were …