EdgeIO – Listing First Impressions

I received the preview password to EdgeIO.com today, Mike Arrington‘s new project to aggregate all blog posts using the tag ‘listing’ at a single site, all organized and such as you’d expect from a classifieds site. Since I’m trying to sell a house and blogging about it, seemed like a perfect opportunity to test it …

Welcome to St. Anthony Village, You Have Now Left Minneapolis

Let’s say you bought the house we’re selling in St. Anthony Village. If you did, you wouldn’t be a Minneapolitan – you’d be a Villager. St. Anthony Village is it’s own 3-square mile city – St. Anthony, MN to be specific. Yes, NE is in address and the post office will deliver to a 2701 …

Property History & Comments – Another Reason for Real Estate Agents to Blog

There’s been a few parties interested in our house, I’m surprised to learn from our agent how unstructured, the agent-to-agent feedback process is. Sounds like the listing agent has to initiate the contact with the showing agent, rather than the showing agent providing it by default. As a seller, I want to know what prospective …

Why Health Coverage Shouldn’t be Tied to Employers

“Weyco and Scotts Miracle-Gro, based in Marysville, Ohio, are in the vanguard of a growing effort by business to brake soaring medical costs by regulating such unhealthy employee behavior as smoking” Health coverage as a benefit of employment no longer makes sense – financially for employers or employees. Expecting employers to foot the bill and …

Tasteless Art Affecting the Tastebuds at Holy Land Deli

I was introduced to the Doner (Gyro or Kabob) during my time in Germany. The Turkish immigrants brought it with them. Aside from the thinly-sliced lamb, the rest of the ingredients were German; cabbage inside stuffed in a quarter of the circular flatenbrot. In Minneapolis, there’s only one place to get a good gyro – …

Apple’s Weather Dashboard Widget Won’t Go Below 28F?

As you might have heard, we finally got winter here in the upper Midwest. Not the Christmas-fluffy-white-snow-perfect-for-skiing-and-hot-cocoa-winter, the death-to-all-who-venture-out-of-doors winter. Both weather.com and accuweather.com say it’s a brisk -2°F (one degree lower since my last post). Strangely, Apple’s Weather Dashboard Widget tells me it’s a tropical 28°F and snowing. It’s way too cold to snow …

A Perfect Day for Cicely, Alaska

“I have grown really tired of contact sports…you can break an ankle, but can you die?”- Joel Fleischmann It’s -1°F this Saturday in the Twin Cities (weather.com says ‘feels like -18°F’, Thanks). Fortunately, NetFlix sent over Northern Exposure Season 2, Disc 2 this morning. This disc contains “All is Vanity”, the episode where Maggie has …

2701 31st Ave NE St Anthony Village has an MLS Number

The house is on the MLS now – #3152250. Woo hoo. I see this house being perfect for 3 different people: Single people (even with kids)It’s a small place, easy to maintain, with lots of storage. Easy access to downtown and the highways with a huge lot for gardening and landscaping. DINKs or DIPsJust the …

February – One of My Two Least Favorite Months.

February and August are my least favorite months in the upper Midwest. For the same but opposite reasons – uncomfortable weather. February is when the cold and depression of winter finally sets in (11°F as I write this). The snow turns mean in the cold; short-sheeting the dormant brown grass and grating like fingernails on …